IanWetherald's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Los Angeles, California

Watts Towers

America's most famous piece of self-built architecture.
Qesm Sharm Ash Sheikh, Egypt

End of the World Cinema

An abandoned outdoor movie theater in the Sinai desert.
Madinet Mit Ghamr, Egypt

Mit Ghamr Dovecotes

Giant pigeon houses packed into city streets in Egypt.
Aswan, Egypt

Nabta Playa Stone Circle

This North African stone complex is considered to be the oldest astronomical observatory on Earth.
Al Wahat Al Dakhla Desert, Egypt

Cave of Swimmers

A hyper-remote desert cave dramatized in "The English Patient."
Cairo, Egypt

Cairo’s Garbage City

Slum Settlement Filled With Mountains of Garbage.
Qesm Saint Katrin, Egypt

St. Catherine's Monastery

Charnel house at the foot of Mount Sinai.
Qesm Sharm Ash Sheikh, Egypt

Blue Desert

Brightly painted boulders scattered throughout the Sinai Desert.
Ibsheway, Egypt

Wadi al-Hitan (Valley of the Whales)

Egyptian treasure trove of fossils documenting the whale's transition from land mammal to sea creature.
Cairo, Egypt

Al-Andalus Garden

A preserved oasis with traditional Andalusian-style architecture and beautiful views of the Nile.
Cairo, Egypt

Monastery of Saint Simon

The massive cave church of Cairo's Zabbaleen community is one of the largest Christian churches in the Middle East.
Qesm Hurghada, Egypt

Desert Breath

A massive work of modern art that appears to be a crop circle in the middle of the desert.