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Places edited in Lucerne, Switzerland
Lucerne, Switzerland

Lion of Lucerne

This memorial commemorating fallen Swiss Guards of the French Revolution has been called the saddest stone in the world.
Lucerne, Switzerland

Dance of Death Bridge

This historic covered bridge contains a series of macabre paintings that communicate one thing: everyone dies.
Calistoga, California

Calistoga Petrified Forest

The fossilized remains of ancient California redwoods.
Calistoga, California

California's Old Faithful

California's own majestic geyser is powered by a subterranean volcano.
Grass Valley, California

Empire Mine State Park

The Empire Mine is "one of the oldest, largest, deepest, longest and richest gold mines in California."
Sutter, California

Sutter Buttes

Rising out of miles of farmland, these buttes are sometimes called the world's smallest mountain range.
Jackson, California

Kennedy Gold Mine

Visit a remnant California's Gold Rush, which locals claim is haunted by spirits from the past.
Auburn, California

Foresthill Bridge

The tallest bridge in California was constructed for a project that was eventually cancelled.
Folsom, California

The Folsom Powerhouse

This 19th century hydroelectric powerhouse was the first of its kind.
Sacramento, California

Spirit of Sacramento

Before it was abandoned and left to rust alongside the road, this riverboat starred in a John Wayne movie.
Sacramento, California

Samson Luggage Sculpture

Pillars made of 700 pieces of luggage climb to the ceiling of Sacramento Airport's baggage claim.
Sacramento, California

Safetyville, USA

A working miniature city designed to teach kids about safety and presumably city planning.
Sacramento, California

Monkey Puzzle Tree

Puzzling...this tree looks like an assemblage of dismembered monkey limbs.
Sacramento, California

Sacramento Old City Cemetery

The capitol city's oldest existing cemetery.
West Sacramento, California

I Street Bridge

I Street Bridge is the heaviest swinging center bridge in the United States.
Sacramento, California

Tower Bridge

Art Deco stylings conceal the true nature of this bridge.
Sacramento, California

Eagle Theatre

A replica of the first public theater built in California.
Sacramento, California

Sacramento's Original Street Level

The California capital city once stood 10 feet lower than it does today.
Sacramento, California

Johnny Cash Mural

This 15-story mural celebrates the 50th anniversary of the musician's iconic "At Folsom Prison" album.
Sacramento, California

Sacramento Locomotive Works

This 19th century train workshop is a treasure trove of railroad history.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Hanging Stanes

A pair of stones embedded in an Edinburgh street memorialize one of the city's last public hangings.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Queen Mary's Bath House

The building where Mary, Queen of Scots was said to have bathed in white wine.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Edinburgh Book Sculptures

Anonymously sculpted and donated, these sculptures made from poetry books and pages are sprinkled around the city.
Edinburgh, Scotland

World's End Close

This otherwise ordinary close on the Royal Mile constituted the end of the world for Edinburgh’s poorest residents.