jasonmckinsey's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Lindon, Colorado

Abbott Church

A tiny nondenominational church harkens back to the days of the first homesteaders in the region.
Aurora, Colorado

Umi Statue

This depiction of the earth mother welcomes new life into Aurora Highlands.
Buena Vista, California

Crane Flat Lookout

The first lookout in Yosemite.
Mono County, California

Crowley Lake Columns

Eons old volcanic activity created one of the most stunning rock formations in the United States.
Inyo County, California

Coso Rock Art District

A mountain range on an active U.S. Navy base hides thousands of mysterious prehistoric rock carvings.
Inyo County, California

Manzanar National Historic Site

The tragedy of the Japanese internment camps is remembered here by a stark "Soul Consoling Tower."
Bakersfield, California

Last Woolworth's Lunch Counter

permanently closed
An antique store houses the last operational diner from the defunct department store chain.
Earlimart, California

Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park

A ghost town originally established and governed solely by Black Americans seeking a place of their own, free from discrimination.
Three Rivers, California

Glowing Millipedes of Sequoia National Park

These millipedes glow not out of attraction, but as a not-too-subtle warning.
Oakland, California

It's All Good Bakery

This bakery sits on the site of the Black Panther Party's first headquarters.
Oakland, California

Watermelon Rock

A unique piece of graffiti offers a little slice of local history and mystery.
Oakland, California

Ratto's Market & Deli

International delicatessen has been owned and operated by the same family for more than 110 years.
Oakland, California

Jonestown Memorial

The memorial to the victims of the Jonestown Massacre carries the names of 918 lost, including one name people wish wasn't there.

Delamar Dry Lake

This dry lake bed was once an emergency landing strip for military and experimental aircraft.
Lux, Nevada

Thompson Smelter

These massive concrete foundations and smelter chimney bricks still smell like smoke after a century.
Dayton, Nevada

Sutro Tunnel

This colossal underground passage paved the way for large-scale drainage and access tunnels across the U.S., but it almost wasn’t built.
Mound House, Nevada

VW Beetle Spider

On the side of Highway 50 East, between Carson City and Dayton, Nevada, sits a giant metal spider made from a vintage Volkswagen Beetle.
Duckwater, Nevada

Meteorite Crater

Despite the name, it's unclear if this small depression in northern Nye County was actually caused by falling space debris.
Moapa Valley, Nevada

Moapa Airmail Arrow

A well-preserved example from a 1920s network of airmail navigation arrows sits near Interstate 15 in southern Nevada.
Eureka, Nevada

Afterlife Antiques & Oddities

A small shop filled with history, mystery, folklore, and more.
Reno, Nevada

Space Whale

What began as a prominent Burning Man art piece is now an iconic symbol of downtown Reno.
Woolsey, Nevada

Lovelock Airmail Arrow

A surviving concrete arrow from a 1920s navigational network is preserved right off a modern freeway.
Clark County, Nevada

Black Butte Petroglyph Trail

The highest concentration of petroglyph sites in Gold Butte National Monument, plus an improbable early 20th-century dam.
Nye County, Nevada

Sailing Stones of Bonnie Claire Playa

Under the right conditions, rocks will move across this dry lakebed, leaving trails behind them.