jessash31's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Cascais, Portugal

Boca do Inferno

A unique seaside cave where Aleister Crowley faked his own death.
Colares, Portugal

Praia da Ursa

In Portugal, a secluded stretch of untouched natural beauty hides at the bottom of a steep hill.
Lisbon, Portugal

Santíssima Trindade Church

This oddly shaped church resembles a rocket.
Lisbon, Portugal

Panorâmico de Monsanto

This now abandoned restaurant provides some of the most amazing views of Lisboa.
Lisbon, Portugal

Cinemateca Portuguesa

In addition to showing films, this one-screen arthouse cinema from the late 1940s is a museum of old film equipment.
Lisbon, Portugal

Pavilhão Chinês

Ring the bell to enter a bar that looks equal parts museum and old curiosity shop.
Lisbon, Portugal

Livraria Simão

One of the smallest bookstores on the planet.
Lisbon, Portugal

Hospital de Bonecas

Catering to broken dolls for almost 200 years, this repair shop is now a charnel house of doll parts.
Lisbon, Portugal

Caza das Vellas Loreto

This charming candle shop has been in business since 1789.

The Sobreiro Monumental (Monumental Cork Oak)

For more than two centuries, the canopy of this venerable tree has been a haven for songbirds and lovers.
Pinhal Novo, Portugal

Museum of Mechanical Music

This architectural beauty is the home to a personal collection of more than 600 examples of mechanical musical instruments.
Arlington, Washington

Giant Cedar Stump

At a rest stop north of Seattle, the trunk of an ancient tree.
Everett, Washington

Laura Palmer's House

This private home is famous for appearing in the cult-classic "Twin Peaks" series.
Seattle, Washington

Dunn Gardens

A lush Seattle garden designed by the same landscape architects responsible for New York's Central Park.
Seattle, Washington

Carl S. English Jr. Botanical Gardens

A young botanist's horticultural vision realized through a lifetime of planting, tending, and collecting seeds.
Seattle, Washington

Nutcracker House

Old 'Nutcracker' sculptures from 'Where the Wild Things Are' author found new life as a seasonal attraction.
Seattle, Washington

Beacon Food Forest

This edible park is open to any and all foragers.
Seattle, Washington

Connections Museum

This Seattle museum displays the history of the telephone through an impressive collection of telecom equipment.
Seattle, Washington

Alki Flower Houses

Every summer West Seattle experiences a housing bloom.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle Chinese Garden

This beautiful landscape is the only Sichuan-style garden outside of China.
Vashon, Washington

Oscar the Bird King

Thomas Dambo's troll sculpture wears a crown with birdhouses on his head.
Vashon, Washington

Vashon Island Bike Tree

A bike being "eaten" by a tree is the real Vashon legend behind popular children's book, "Red Ranger Came Calling."
Vashon, Washington

Fence of Doors

Walking by this fence is like strolling along a portal to various fictional worlds.
Port Orchard, Washington

Elandan Gardens

Bonsai trees that are up to a thousand years old.