jessicahemrich's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Skibbereen, Ireland

Irish Sky Garden

This floating garden in the sky is straight out of a fairy tale, but the real thing is nothing short of magical.
Baia, Italy

The Sunken City of Baia

A submerged archeological park still holds the wonders of a Roman Sodom.
Scottish Borders, Scotland

The Bear Gates of Traquair

The main gates have been locked since 1745 and will remain so until the Stuart Dynasty returns to the throne.

Kerið Crater Lake

This eye-popping Icelandic crater lake is surrounded by red volcanic rock.
San Diego, California

Hotel del Coronado

L. Frank Baum wrote part of the "Wizard of Oz" series in this wooden Victorian beach resort.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

De Poezenboot (The Cat Boat)

A floating cat sanctuary on an Amsterdam canal.
Boston, Massachusetts


This upscale streetwear store is hidden behind a fake Snapple machine in the back of a deli.
Cedar, Michigan

Sugar Loaf Ski Lodge

A crumbling mountain resort that looks like it was abandoned in an instant.
London, England

The Ruins of St. Dunstan-in-the-East

One of the few remaining casualties of the London Blitz, this destroyed church has become an enchanting public garden.
Gablenz, Germany

Rakotzbrücke Devil's Bridge

This jaw-dropping 19th-century bridge uses its reflection to form what appears to be a perfect circle.
Saint Jacobs, Ontario

Maple Syrup Museum of Ontario

This quaint museum taps into the sweet history of the maple syrup industry.
Thunder Bay, Ontario

Sleeping Giant

Profile of a sleeping person four kilometers long in 250-meter-high cliffs.
Ottawa, Ontario

The Diefenbunker

Canada's subterranean Cold War museum has doubled as a movie set.
Tobermory, Ontario

Flowerpot Island

Little island known for its massive beachfront "flowerpot" pillars.
Amherstburg, Ontario

Boblo Island Abandoned Amusement Park

An abandoned Victorian-era amusement park is rusting away amidst luxury houses.
Caledon, Ontario

Cheltenham Badlands

These strikingly barren, rolling red hills were caused by bad farming practices.
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Louis Riel's Gravestone

Canada's accused-traitor-turned-folk-hero is buried under a red stone in a ring of his own.
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Winnipeg the Bear Statue

A statue in a Canadian zoo remembers the WWI origins of the beloved character Winnie-the-Pooh.
Vegreville, Alberta

The Vegreville Pysanka

Possibly the world’s easiest Easter-egg hunt.
Canmore, Alberta

Big Head Sculpture

The granite head appears to be deep in thought and half buried in the ground.
Torrington, Alberta

Gopher Hole Museum

Museum of stuffed gophers set up in various scenes.
Banff, Alberta

Banff Merman

A mysterious taxidermy man-beast of the seven seas.