jillardis's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Kent, Ohio

Site of Kent State Shootings

Memorials and tributes scattered across the university grounds remember a famous national tragedy of the Nixon era.
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

The Little Falls

For decades, this waterfall remained hidden because of an artificial dam.
Warren, Ohio

David Grohl Alley

This alley-cum-fan gallery in the ex-Nirvana drummer's hometown holds the world's largest drumsticks.
Leavittsburg, Ohio

Center of the World, Ohio

A grandiose title could not save this mercantile community from obscurity.
Warren, Ohio

Neil Armstrong First Flight Memorial

The site of Neil Armstrong's first flight is marked by a full on replica of the moon landers.
Shingleton, Michigan

Chapel Rock

This lone tree and dramatic sandstone outcropping are so beloved by Michiganders they can be found on one of the state’s coins.
Mackinac Island, Michigan

Mackinac Island

Island where motor vehicles are banned -- home to the only carless highway in the United States.
Mackinac County, Michigan

The Mackinac Bridge

The fifth-longest suspension bridge the world, connecting one Michigan peninsula to another.
Holland, Michigan

Tulip Time Festival

Largest tulip festival in America, includes fireworks, a parade, and a carnival.
Grand Rapids, Michigan

Steelcase Pyramid

One lonely, modern pyramid has gone from corporate think tank to deserted boondoggle.
Battle Creek, Michigan

The Former Battle Creek Sanitarium

Dating back to the 1800s, two imposing buildings in Michigan have had countless transformations over the years.
Hickory Corners, Michigan

Gilmore Car Museum

Home to over 300 antique cars and motorcycles, including Thomas Edison's Model A.
Kalamazoo, Michigan

The Old Gibson Guitar Factory

The Kalamazoo factory has 100 years of instrument-making, and one big wartime secret.
Detroit, Michigan

Grande Ballroom

Abandoned concert venue legendary for its rock counterculture.