jillchee's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Athens, Georgia

The Athens Double Barreled Cannon

After just one epic test blast, this literal loose cannon proved too explosive for combat.
Athens, Georgia

The Tree That Owns Itself

A white oak with property rights.
Indianapolis, Indiana

Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library and Museum

This library and museum is dedicated to the life and literature of the Indianapolis native author.
Indianapolis, Indiana

Indy's Teeny Statue of Liberty Museum

The building is topped by a Statue of Liberty statue whose torch has stayed burning since the museum opened.
Nashville, Tennessee

Concrete Parthenon

This replica of the Greek structure is in the heart of Nashville.
Nashville, Tennessee

Hidden Heart of Music Row

It may take some time to locate, but it's sure to warm even a heart of stone.
Indianapolis, Indiana

The Idle

A park where you can watch the highway zoom past.
Indianapolis, Indiana

Soldiers & Sailors Observatory

This Indianapolis landmark offers a secret panoramic view of the city. 
Indianapolis, Indiana

Chatham Passage

This multisensory alley has the ability to remind bustling citygoers to stop and smell the roses.
Indianapolis, Indiana

Elvis Presley Final Concert Plaque

A monument to the King's final show, complete with a time capsule.
Indianapolis, Indiana

Indiana Steam Clock

At the top of the hour, this steam-powered clock's eight brass whistles play "Back Home Again in Indiana."
Indianapolis, Indiana

Indianapolis Moon Tree

A 30-year-old Sycamore tree grown from a seed taken to the moon and back.
Greenback, Tennessee

Fortress of Faith (Greenback Castle)

One man has spent decades faithfully constructing this unique brick and cinderblock castle.
Heraklion, Greece


A minotaur, a labyrinth, and a dubious restoration pull in visitors from around the world.
Atlanta, Georgia

Trader Vic's

Mai Tais and Navy Grog served up in one of the original tiki bars.
Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta Glass Treehouse

Suspended above the ground in a thicket of towering Georgia trees is a modern architectural wonder.
Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Old Salem Coffee Pot

This roadside attraction has been serving out its fair share of hearty folklore and chaos since 1858.
Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Graylyn Estate

This stunning home looks like it belongs in medieval Europe, not North Carolina.