josetomassepulveda's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Sintra, Portugal

Quinta da Regaleira

This eccentrically decorated palace is replete with grottoes, fountains, tunnels, and caves.
Cascais, Portugal

Boca do Inferno

A unique seaside cave where Aleister Crowley faked his own death.
Évora, Portugal

Portugal's Chapel of Bones

A 16th century chapel decorated with bones, skulls, and entire bodies hanging from the wall.
Cusco, Peru

Plaza de Armas

Built on the remains of one the Incas’ most important gathering spots, this square keeps the spirit of a fallen empire alive.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Villa Freud

A pocket of Buenos Aires with an unusually high concentration of psychotherapists.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Palacio Barolo

A tower devoted to — and modeled after — the Divine Comedy.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

El Ateneo Grand Splendid

This historic, palatial theater is now one of the world’s most beautiful bookstores.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Mausoleum of José de San Martín

The final resting place of the liberator of Argentina is guarded around the clock by two soldiers.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

La Casa Mínima

The narrowest house in Buenos Aires is less than 10 feet wide.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

El Zanjón de Granados

Museum housed in underground tunnels that date back to Buenos Aires's earliest settlements.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Mafalda Monument

These small sculptures pay homage to the lovable star of an iconic Argentine comic strip.
Buenos Aires, Argentina


A bright little alley in La Boca is a part of tango history.
Santiago, Chile

Torre Telefonica Chile

It's just another skyscraper, but it's shaped like '90s cell phone.
Valparaiso, Chile

Botica Salcobrand

Buying your medicine at this particular pharmacy is like taking a trip back in time.
Punta Arenas, Chile

Nao Victoria Museum

A display of hand-built replicas of the legendary vessels used by Patagonian and Antarctic explorers.
Valparaiso, Chile

La Sebastiana

Pivotal home of Nobel Prize winner Pablo Neruda.
Viña del Mar, Chile

Reloj de Flores (Flower Clock)

Built for the 1962 World Cup, this fully functioning botanical clock is still ticking.
Valparaiso, Chile

The Dissidents Cemetery

This historic Chilean cemetery is the burial place of hundreds of European and American freethinkers and non-Catholics.
San Pedro de Atacama, Chile

Pukará de Quitor

The ruins of a pre-Columbian fortress city so secure it held off the Spanish conquistadors for over 20 years.
Punta Arenas, Chile

Shipwreck of the Lord Lonsdale

The rusty hull of this 1899 ship serves as a tribute to explorers of the bottom of the world.
Tamarugal, Chile

The Nitrate Towns of Chile

Towns with a resource known as "white gold," valuable enough to fight a war over, now stand ghostly and empty.
Santiago, Chile

Bahá’í Temple of South America

A fantastical and futuristic temple of light built from nine monumental glass veils.
Campamento Geotermico Corfo, Chile

El Tatio Geysers

The largest geyser field in the southern hemisphere is a spectacular sight.
Valparaiso, Chile

Elevators of Valparaiso

What was once a unique system of urban elevators is turning into a mechanical ruin.