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Places visited in Bethel, Maine
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Austin, Texas

'Hi, How Are You' Mural

This simple frog painting created by musician Daniel Johnston embodies the spirit of Austin.
Fort Worth, Texas

Fort Worth Stockyards

Belly up to the bar in Cowtown, don't forget to buy some boots.
Vandalia, Illinois

The Kaskaskia Dragon

Buy a token from the liquor store and you can make this beast spew flames on command.
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Mike the Tiger

The LSU mascot lived on the college campus in one of the most impressive tiger habitats in the country.
Brownsville, Tennessee

Tina Turner Museum

A restored, one-room African-American schoolhouse in the diva's hometown now preserves the legacy of its most famous student.
Memphis, Tennessee

Sun Studio

This Memphis recording studio launched the careers of Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash, and Elvis Presley.
Memphis, Tennessee

Peabody Hotel Duck March

Every day a troupe of pampered water fowl walk the red carpet to their favorite fountain.
Nashville, Tennessee

Concrete Parthenon

This replica of the Greek structure is in the heart of Nashville.
San Antonio, Texas

Bracken Cave

The summer home of the largest colony of bats in the world.
San Antonio, Texas

Alamo Cat Graves

Two small markers remember the Alamo's feline protectors.
San Antonio, Texas

Alamo Line in the Sand

Legend has it the commander of the defenders drew a fateful line in the dirt with his sword just before the final battle.
Casey, Illinois

World Records of Casey, Illinois

The world's largest collection of the world's largest objects is in one small Illinois town.
Florence, Kentucky

Florence Y'all Water Tower

After a water tower painting was accused of being an ad, a simple fix was made that gave the city a motto.
Mexico City, Mexico

Museo Vivo del Muralismo (Live Museum of Muralism)

The former headquarters of Mexico's Secretariat of Public Education now houses a muralism museum, including Diego Rivera's first large-scale mural project.
Mexico City, Mexico

UNAM Central Library

This incredible college library is a visual masterpiece of mosaic art. It also looks kind of like a giant boombox.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Gastown Steam Clock

A working steam clock, one of only a few in the world, located in Vancouver's Victorian Gastown.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Remains of Dolly the Sheep

The taxidermy remains of the first mammal ever cloned from an adult cell are on display in Edinburgh.
Giverny, France

Claude Monet House and Gardens

At Monet's beloved home you can still see the Japanese bridge, waterlilies, and weeping willows that were the subjects of some of his most iconic paintings.
Dublin, Ireland

The Long Room Library at Trinity College

The gorgeous library at Trinity College is home to remarkable treasures of Irish identity.
Dover, England

Dover Castle

One of the few standing Roman lighthouses and a labyrinth of tunnels are a couple of the secrets at this historic castle.
Wiltshire, England


The largest stone circle in the world has ended up bringing up more questions than it has answered.
East Molesey, England

Hampton Court Maze

England's oldest surviving hedge maze has been confusing visitors for over 300 years.
Wiltshire, England


Famously misunderstood wonder of the ancient world
Brussels, Belgium

Manneken Pis

A little sculpture with a large wardrobe.