larnerenovationgeneration's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places added to Northern Ireland
Places edited in Larne, Northern Ireland
Places added to Larne, Northern Ireland
Places visited in Ballygalley, Northern Ireland
Larne, Northern Ireland

Larne Museum and Arts Centre

Artifacts and exhibits tell the story of a small town that has punched above its weight and influenced history.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

SS Nomadic

The ship built to ferry passengers and goods to the doomed Titanic is now the last remaining White Star Line vessel.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

River Farset

Belfast's namesake river still winds below the city center, hidden from sight.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Europa Hotel

It was once nicknamed "the most bombed hotel in Europe."
Glynn, Northern Ireland

St. John's Church

Local legend says there's treasure hidden within its crowded graveyard.
Islandmagee, Northern Ireland

Ballylumford Dolmen

This Bronze Age tomb makes the most unusual front garden fixture.
Larne, Northern Ireland

Larne Standing Stone

The enigmatic stone has towered over a Northern Ireland town for thousands of years.
Larne, Northern Ireland

Antrim Coast Road Memorial

An unassuming tribute to engineer William Bald and the workers who built one of Europe's most scenic coastal roads.
Whitehead, Northern Ireland

Diamond Jubilee Wood

Whimsical woolen creatures have taken over this historic Northern Ireland park.
County Antrim, Northern Ireland

Giant's Causeway

Northern Ireland's Brobdingnagian stepping stones.
Tokyo, Japan

Godzilla Head

Not quite the menace it once was, this monster still has some chops.
Mitaka, Japan

Ghibli Museum

A magical place that lets you play in and explore the world of Studio Ghibli.
Larne, Northern Ireland

Chaine Memorial Tower

This picturesque lighthouse at the edge of the Irish Sea looks like a giant stone pencil.
Larne, Northern Ireland

Madman's Window

It is said a heartbroken man visited the gap every day to stare blankly out at the sea.
Ballygalley, Northern Ireland

Polar Bear of Ballygalley

Every year locals give the bear a fresh coat of paint to preserve its signature goofy grin.
Larne, Northern Ireland

The Armada Tree

This gnarled old tree supposedly sprouted from seeds kept in the pocket of a 16th-century Spanish sailor.
Ballygalley, Northern Ireland

Cairndhu House

The ruins of a once-grand mansion in Northern Ireland are now thought to be haunted.
Ballymena, Northern Ireland

Slemish Mountain

A brisk climb up this solitary peak leads to the origin story of a towering figure in Irish history.