laurenmishgraf's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Carpinteria, California
Places added to Yermo, California
Places edited in North Port, Florida
Places edited in Mammoth Spring, Arkansas
Places edited in Forks, Washington
Places edited in Portland, Maine
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Seattle, Washington

Fremont Troll

A giant Troll lurks under one of Seattle's oldest bridges.
Crater Lake, Oregon

Crater Lake

The deepest lake in the United States, and once the site of epic destruction that lives on in legends.
Ashland, Oregon

Allen Elizabethan Theatre

Shakespeare has been brought to life in this open air theater for the better part of a century.
Ashland, Oregon

Lithia Water Fountain

A public fountain that spouts "health water" from a nearby spring.
Williamsburg, Virginia

Chowning’s Tavern

Enjoy dishes that founding fathers once ate at this Colonial Williamsburg pub.
Anaheim, California


The lead horse on a Disneyland merry-go-round that is older than the park itself.
Kanab, Utah

Angels Rest

Not your typical pet cemetery.
Rockville, Utah

Grafton Ghost Town

Settled by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1859, this abandoned frontier town has appeared in several films.
Guadalupe, California

Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes

Coastal dunes, site of buried Egyptian movie set and former utopian colony.
San Luis Obispo, California

'The Iron Road Pioneers'

A simple statue outside a California Amtrak station honors the overlooked contributions of the "silent spikes."
San Luis Obispo, California

The Bells of El Camino Real

A chain of bells connect the California Missions and honor the legend of the "King’s Highway."
Anaheim, California

Petrified Tree

The oldest attraction in Disneyland is a prehistoric stump that Walt may have bought for his wife.
Santa Barbara, California

Vera Cruz

This house is a mosaic of tiled artwork sourced from local artists.
Tokyo, Japan

Owaraji (Giant Straw Sandals)

An enormous pair of straw sandals woven in the traditional way—to keep demons at bay.
Los Angeles, California

LAX Theme Building

This quirky UFO-shaped curiosity is often mistaken for the airport’s control tower.
Washington, D.C.

Washington Monument Marble Stripe

Look closely and you’ll notice that the color changes a third of the way up the tower.
Washington, D.C.

District of Columbia Center Point

A little marble compass above George Washington's (empty) tomb in the Capitol marks where D.C.'s four quadrants intersect.
Washington, D.C.

Capitol Building Tunnel System

Members of Congress have traveled between the buildings on Capitol Hill for a century hidden from tourists, press, and storm clouds.
Alexandria, Virginia

George Washington's Distillery

The only place for a truly presidential dram.
Alexandria, Virginia

Hollensbury Spite House

The narrowest house in America is seven feet of pure spite.
Corbett, Oregon

Multnomah Falls

A roaring, awe-inspiring double cascade of icy water flows through woodland Oregon like something out of a Tolkien novel.
San Bernardino County, California

Ivanpah Solar Power Facility

The world’s largest concentrated solar plant generates as many problems as megawatts.
Kyoto, Japan

Honke Owariya

One of Kyoto's oldest food establishments has supplied soba noodles to temple priests and the Imperial Palace.

Checkerboard Mesa

The unusual patterns in this rock formation result from two distinct modes of weathering.