leondadi22's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Stokkseyri, Iceland


Inside this museum, visitors venture through ghost stories entrenched in Icelandic folklore.
Skogar, Iceland


The oldest (maybe) swimming pool in Iceland is a stunning oasis built into the side of a lush hill.
Hvalfjarðarvegur, Iceland

Beached Whalers

Two whaling vessels that were sunk by an anti-whaling organization in 1986 now sit on the shore of this beautiful fjord.
Seydisfjordur, Iceland

'How's It Going?' Phone Booth

An isolated, rusty phone booth commemorates Iceland's first international telegraph cable.
Kirkjubæjarklaustur, Iceland

Kirkjugólf Basalt Columns

What was once believed to be a church floor turned out to be the artwork of geology.


This fairytale-like structure is the last turf church ever constructed in Iceland.


Surrounded by ash fields in Iceland, an impossibly verdant valley looks like something out of a fairytale.

Abandoned Djúpavík Herring Factory

This rusting remnant of the local herring industry is being given a second life.
Steingrímsfjörður, Iceland

Drangsnes Hot Tubs

A trio of hidden hot tubs takes advantage of Iceland's natural geothermal vents.
Eiriksstadhir, Iceland

Stuðlagil Canyon

This canyon is comprised of gorgeous waters and magnificent basalt columns.
Raufarhöfn, Iceland

The Arctic Henge

This modern monument to pagan belief looks like it was transported straight from ancient times.


Rising from the sea like a stone monster.

Öskjuvatn and Viti Lakes

Two volcanic lakes in an enormous crater formed in a prehistoric eruption.
Skagaströnd, Iceland

Museum of Prophecies

This museum dedicated to divination also honors a local 10th-century prophetess.
Saudarkrokur, Iceland


A geothermal pool in North Iceland that is said to be the bathing spot of the legendary Grettir the Strong.
Glaumbær, Iceland

Glaumbær Farm & Museum

This former farm In northern Iceland is now a museum, where visitors can tour beautifully-preserved turf houses.