linnikki67's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Copenhagen, Denmark

The V House

This striking structure, with balconies jutting out like hedgehog spines, combine cutting-edge design with a playful approach to light and space.
Randers, Denmark

'Bar Roma'

This enormous aluminum figure in Denmark lying in a plunged position, echoes the global debate on canceled historical statues.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Happy City Birds Mural

Famous for his giant trolls, Thomas Dambo's lesser-known early work is a creative 3D mural with sustainable birdhouses.
Odense, Denmark

Professor Labris Plads (Professor Labri Square)

A quirky, larger than life sculpture on an old bunker pays tribute to an eccentric carnival entertainer.
Greve, Denmark

'The Little Match Girl'

With a bundle of matches in one hand and a mobile phone in the other, this sculpture is a modern take on Hans Christian Andersen's poignant fairy tale.
Sønderborg, Denmark

'Støvlen' ('The Boot')

This colossal hiking boot, once built for a scout jamboree, serves as an observation tower and barbecue area.
Aarhus, Denmark

Cirkuskroen (The Circus Pub)

This legendary dive bar boasts a collection of over 1,300 clown figurines.
Copenhagen, Denmark

'Havfrue' ('Mermaid')

Copenhagen's "other" little mermaid marks the historic location of past sea maid sightings.
Helsingør, Denmark

'Han' ('He')

The shiny silver little brother to Copenhagen's Little Mermaid statue.
Copenhagen, Denmark

'Trold, der vejrer kristenblod' ('Troll, which Sniffs Out Christian Blood')

Positioned outside a church, this sinister folkloric figure incited protests in both 1902 and 2002.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Bolsjefabrikken (The Candy Factory)

A former smithy turned cultural hub with the capital's largest mural space.
Copenhagen, Denmark

'Tisseren' ('The Pee-er')

An unconventional and naturalistic sculpture depicting the artist marking his territory on an exterior faculty wall.
Albertslund, Denmark


An artist has turned what most people would consider a bathroom nightmare into a work of political art.
Kibæk, Denmark

Deep Forest Artland ​Skovsnogen

This Danish art forest places loud works of contemporary art among the pensive silence of nature.
Ronnede, Denmark

Skovtårnet (Forest Tower)

A spiralling hourglass-shaped tower rises from the forests in Denmark.
Odense, Denmark

Submerged Sculpture of Hans Christian Andersen

After funding was cut for a memorial to the Danish author, the sculptor had his statue ceremonially lowered into the city harbor.
Copenhagen, Denmark


This contemplative sculpture made out of old machine parts is meant to be the first in a series of sculptures around the world.
Ringkøbing, Denmark

Hvide Sande Nazi Bunkers

Remnants of the Nazis' occupation of Denmark linger along the sand.
Holmegaard, Denmark

BonBon Land

The greatest amusement park in the world is wall-to-wall farting dogs, puking rats, and cows with exposed breasts for the whole family.
Skørping, Denmark

Thingbæk Kalkminer

An old limestone mine transformed into a beautiful and unusual sculpture museum.
Esbjerg, Denmark

Man Meets The Sea

Four alabaster giants contemplate the tides on the shore of Denmark.
Billund, Denmark

Legoland in Billund

The original home of the Lego has a huge amusement park dedicated to the iconic plastic toy.
Aarhus, Denmark

Den Uendelige Bro (The Infinite Bridge)

Denmark’s never-ending bridge.
Klampenborg, Denmark


The oldest amusement park in the world has been providing a nice spot to have some fun since the 1500s.