livitis's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Amherst, Massachusetts

Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art

Founded by the famed children's book artist, this museum spreads an appreciation of the arts through picture books.
Belchertown, Massachusetts

Belchertown State School for the Feeble-Minded

permanently closed
This decrepit abandoned building is made all the more eerie by its dark history.
Westminster, Massachusetts

The Spite Wall

One man built this massive wall to keep his neighbor from complaining about working on Sundays.
Fitchburg, Massachusetts

Rollstone Boulder

In order to save this beloved rock, locals blew it up and put it back together piece by piece.
Leominster, Massachusetts

Birthplace of Johnny Appleseed

The proud hometown of an American legend has honored their favorite son with what seems to be a gravestone.
Worcester, Massachusetts

Burnside Fountain - Turtle Boy

The Burnside Fountain and its questionable interpretation.
West Bridgewater, Massachusetts

Hockomock Swamp

Tales of ghosts, cryptids, and true crime rise from the murky waters of the largest freshwater wetland in Massachusetts.
New Bedford, Massachusetts

The Oozing Whale Skeleton of New Bedford

For 20 years, this whale skeleton has been slowly dripping oil on the floor of the museum where it hangs.
Rochester, Massachusetts

Witch Rock

Haunted boulder in a front yard with a witch painted on it.
Nantucket, Massachusetts

Greater Light

A pig barn converted into one of the most eclectic residences in Nantucket.
Wareham, Massachusetts

Porter Thermometer Museum

permanently closed
The world's best collection to gauge whether or not you should wear a scarf outside.
Plymouth, Massachusetts

Plimoth Patuxet

Since 1947, this living history museum has been providing an immersive look at life in Plymouth Colony.
Sandwich, Massachusetts

Sandwich Glass Museum

This delicate museum is devoted to the art and industry that once supported Cape Cod's oldest town.
Dennis, Massachusetts

Cape Cinema

The ceiling of this vintage movie palace is covered in fantastic Art Deco murals.
Orleans, Massachusetts

Nauset Beach

Centuries-old hoofprints and wagon tracks reveal themselves after a good winter storm.
Neversink, New York


The lost town of Neversink, sunk by New York City.
West Point, New York

Margaret Corbin's Grave

West Point’s only monument to a woman veteran stands above an empty grave.
Red Hook, New York

Historic Village Diner

A nearly 100-year-old dining car in upstate New York embodies the golden age of roadside dining.
Cold Spring, New York

Ruins of the Cornish Estate

A ruined mansion hidden in the woods of the Hudson Valley, home of a tragically doomed romance.
Kingston, New York

The Dollhouse

permanently closed
An abandoned dollhouse factory.
Highland, New York


The rustic think-space of famed naturalist John Burroughs stands exactly as he left it.
Rhinebeck, New York

Wyndcliffe Mansion

What was once a trend-setting, phrase-coining icon of architectural splendor is now a rotting, forgotten hulk.
Poughkeepsie, New York

Hudson River State Hospital

permanently closed
This mouldering abandoned mental hospital was once a center for progressive healing.
Brooklyn, New York

Brooklyn Superhero Supply Store

The one-stop shop for all of your superhero (or evil arch-nemesis) needs.