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Places edited in Hanover, Germany
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Grünwald, Germany

Bavaria Filmstadt

This German version of Universal Studios holds a vault of treasures from the NeverEnding Story.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin Story Bunker

This World War II bunker now survives as a documentation of the Nazi regime and war crimes.
Duisburg, Germany

Tiger & Turtle Magic Mountain

No need to strap in for a "ride" on this walkable roller coaster.
Dachau, Germany

Dachau Concentration Camp

The prototype for all Nazi concentration camps.
Horn-Bad Meinberg, Germany


Between Neo-Pagans and Neo-Nazis, these strange rock formations have a curious cult following and a very strange history.
Berlin, Germany

Führerbunker Parking Lot

The bunker where Hitler took his own life is hidden under this deliberately ordinary parking lot.
Cologne, Germany

Church of St. Ursula

A church filled with the bones of hundreds of virgins martyrs—or so they say.
Saalfeld, Germany

Saalfeld Fairy Grottoes

"The most colorful grottoes of the world.
Berlin, Germany

Vestiges of the Berlin Wall

On the Spree bank, discover one of the last reminders of a symbolic wall that divided, and was torn down by the people.
Berlin, Germany

Weissensee Abandoned Children's Hospital

A state-of-the-art medical facility from the Imperial era is now a derelict ruin.
Lohmen, Germany

The Bastei

Ruins of a German Castle on top of a towering stone pillar.
Berlin, Germany


This futuristic German spa allows visitors to float in a pool of salt water while zoning out to underwater techno.
Mühltal, Germany

Castle Frankenstein

The birthplace of an eccentric alchemist and possible inspiration for the fictional reanimator of monsters.
Berlin, Germany


A whimsical and twisted animatronic monster tour beneath the streets of Berlin.
Berlin, Germany


An eerie, derelict amusement park in Berlin.
Gablenz, Germany

Rakotzbrücke Devil's Bridge

This jaw-dropping 19th-century bridge uses its reflection to form what appears to be a perfect circle.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Torture Museum

Museum preserving torture methods from the past.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Nieuwe Spiegelstraat

An Amsterdam street lined with antique shops each one dedicated to a different obscure collection.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Electric Ladyland: The Museum of Fluorescent Art

The world's only museum devoted to the wonders of fluorescence.
Amiens, France

The Head of St. John the Baptist at Amiens Cathedral

The encased skull that is widely believed to belong to St. John the Baptist.
Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France

The Venus of Brassempouy

This prehistoric figurine is the oldest known realistic depiction of a human face.
Dordrecht, Netherlands

Johan's Ark

“And the Lord said unto Johan, build for thee an ark for the end of the world is approaching.”
Leiden, Netherlands

Leiden Observatory

Devious political maneuvering and four ancient, working telescopes are central to the world's second-oldest observatory.
Zaandam, Netherlands

Hotel Inntel Zaandam

Colorful and chaotic stacked hotel in North Holland.