LukeLW's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Seattle, Washington

Freeway Park

The first park built over a freeway is a brutalist masterwork.
London, England

Trellick Tower

This iconic high-rise residential block was one of the last to be built in the Brutalist style.
Trois-Rivières, Québec

Old Prison of Trois-Rivières

This historic Canadian jail was once the longest operating prison in the country and is now open for people to incarcerate themselves.
Brockville, Ontario

Brockville Tunnel

Canada's oldest railway tunnel is illuminated in a rainbow of color as it passes under the streets of this small city.
Calgary, Alberta

Peace Bridge

With its webbed walls and bright red coloring, Calgary's iconic bridge looks like a finger trap puzzle stretched across the river.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Africville Museum

Housed inside a replica church, its collection honors the Black community displaced by the Halifax government.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Halifax Explosion Memorial

The city of Halifax still bears the scars of the largest explosion prior to the atomic bomb.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Face in the Window at St. Paul's Church

The profile of one ill-fated deacon was emblazoned forever on this church window during the Halifax explosion.
Bayfield, Prince Edward Island

Confederation Bridge

This engineering marvel is the longest bridge in Canada and one of the longest spans in the world.
Rivière-aux-Outardes, Québec

Uapishka Art Cabins

Artistic cabins actually grow deep in the Canadian wilderness.
Rivière-aux-Outardes, Québec

Lake Manicouagan

A lake formed in the basin of a massive impact crater takes the shape of an unbroken ring when viewed from above.
Kingston, Ontario


This sculpture was made in 1973 for the city's 300th-anniversary celebrations and was largely considered an eyesore at the time.
Ottawa, Ontario

Château Laurier

The mastermind behind this palatial hotel perished on the Titanic weeks before its grand opening.
Ottawa, Ontario


Louise Bourgeois' 30-foot-tall steel spider sculpture.
Val-des-Sources, Québec

Asbestos Mine

Little remains of the once flourishing Asbestos' asbestos mine.
Montreal, Québec

Gibeau Orange Julep

The skyline of Montreal includes the silhouette of an unexpected fruit-shaped Canadian staple.
Zurich, Switzerland

Pavillion Le Corbusier

Constructed along the shores of Lake Zurich, this pavilion is a walk-through work of art.
Zurich, Switzerland

Cabaret Voltaire: the Dada House

One hundred years ago this small house in downtown Zürich became the birthplace of the Dada movement.
Geneva, Switzerland


Large Hadron Collider and the Birthplace of World Wide Web.
Meyrin, Switzerland

Birthplace of the Web

The World Wide Web was created in this nondescript corridor at CERN.
Meyrin, Switzerland

Nataraj Statue (The CERN Shiva)

This statue of a Hindu cosmic dancer at CERN is a metaphor for modern physics.
Meyrin, Switzerland

'Wandering the Immeasurable'

CERN's beautiful, bending sculpture is a tribute to the spread of knowledge.
Geneva, Switzerland

La Tulipe

A rare, flower-shaped example of Brutalist architecture in Switzerland.
Geneva, Switzerland

United Nations Ceiling

This colorful but controversial ceiling has been likened to a 21st-century Sistine Chapel.