mace6696's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Goldvein, Virginia

Hornet Balls

These massive concrete balls were used to mine gold in Virginia.
Williamsburg, Virginia

Chowning’s Tavern

Enjoy dishes that founding fathers once ate at this Colonial Williamsburg pub.
Bedford, Virginia

Sharp Top Crash Site

A glimpse into the sacrifices of military members during World War II.
Fort Belvoir, Virginia

Army Museum Support Center

The U.S. Army's giant warehouse of war art includes Hitler’s watercolors and Norman Rockwell oil paintings.
Herndon, Virginia

Murphy Dairy Farm

A decaying garage hidden amid the dense forest is all that remains of a once-prosperous dairy farm.
Fairfax, Virginia

Fairfax Nike Missile Site

A lone historical marker off the highway and scattered debris are all that remain of this Cold War-era missile site.
Alexandria, Virginia

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the American Revolution

The final resting place of an unidentified revolutionary soldier sits behind a Virginia church.
Newport News, Virginia

The Mariner's Museum and Park

The maritime museum that boasts the largest nautical library in the western hemisphere.
Fredericksburg, Virginia

Reclaim Arcade

A throwback to 1980's gaming nostalgia.
Richmond, Virginia

The Grave of Oderus Urungus

Memorial stone for GWAR vocalist, depicted in his iconic costume.
Richmond, Virginia

Sharp's Island

This historic, one-acre island is the only legal place to camp in the city of Richmond.
Norfolk, Virginia

Yellow Fever Park

One tiny triangular park commemorates the victims of a yellow fever epidemic—many of whom are buried right below the grass.
Vienna, Virginia

Space Adventures

An eccentric company offers eccentric millionaires the opportunity to have spaceflight-related experiences.
Alexandria, Virginia

Civil War Graffiti at Washington's Tomb

The tomb was guarded by soldiers from both sides of the war, and some left their initials carved in the brick.
Front Royal, Virginia

Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute

This sprawling farm was once a Cold War-era hideaway for the nation's top diplomats.
Virginia Beach, Virginia

Jerrassic Park - Metal Dinosaur Park

Metal dinosaurs lurk in a sculpture garden on the outskirts of a popular resort town.
Lorton, Virginia

Laurel Hill House

Standing for over 200 years, the abandoned home of a Revolutionary War hero and later a succession of prison superintendents.
Quicksburg, Virginia

American Celebration on Parade

An enormous warehouse filled with parade floats collected from over 50 years of patriotic celebrations.
Williamsburg, Virginia

The King’s Arms Tavern

Dine like an American revolutionary at Colonial Williamsburg.
Chincoteague Island, Virginia

Misty of Chincoteague

The taxidermy remains of the most popular pony in children's literature.
Syria, Virginia

Rapidan Camp

Herbert Hoover's "Brown House" rural presidential retreat was a PR disaster amid the start of the Great Depression.
Norfolk, Virginia

Cannonball in Saint Paul's Episcopal Church

This cannonball stands as a reminder of the final act of a fleeting governor amidst a revolution.
Staunton, Virginia

Frontier Culture Museum

Outdoor exhibits explore the contributions of European, African, and indigenous peoples to American frontier culture.
Waverly, Virginia

First Peanut Museum in the U.S.

A museum in the heart of Virginia peanut country devoted to the humble goober.