mace6696's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Fairfax, Virginia

National Firearms Museum

Collecting 700 years of mechanical death-dealing, the NRA's sprawling gun museum is a revealing testament to the American obsession with armament.
Lynchburg, Virginia

The Pest House Medical Museum

A "hospital" where people went to be quarantined, die, and be buried in the yard.
Arlington, Virginia

Deep Throat Parking Garage

Parking garage where Bob Woodward met Watergate source "Deep Throat."
Roanoke, Virginia

Miniature Graceland

An overgrown collection of miniature buildings still stand as evidence of one couple's obsession with The King.
Williamsburg, Virginia

The Archaearium

This museum explores the grim reality of life in the earliest British colonies in America.
Broad Run, Virginia

Ruins of the Chapman Beverley Mill

This pre-Revolutionary War grist mill ground corn and flour for soldiers in seven American wars.
Arlington, Virginia

Rosslyn Metro Escalator

At 207 feet, one of the world's longest continuous escalators.
Richmond, Virginia

Church Hill Tunnel

Under a playground is a little-known sealed train tunnel that likely contains the bodies of workers trapped by cave-ins.
Richmond, Virginia

Egyptian Building

A convincing little bit of ancient Egypt smack dab in Richmond, Virginia.
Arlington, Virginia

DEA Museum

An extensive, if one-sided, history of U.S. law enforcement's war on drugs.
Richmond, Virginia

Byrd Theatre

This beautiful vintage movie palace has seen little change in form or function since the 1920s.
Arlington, Virginia

Dark Star Park

This unique historical monument features large concrete spheres designed to resemble fallen stars.
Locust Grove, Virginia

Grave of Stonewall Jackson's Arm

The resting place of a Civil War celebrity's amputated limb.
Richmond, Virginia

Evergreen Cemetery

This labyrinthine resting place of Black American leaders has been reclaimed by nature.
Faber, Virginia

The Monroe Institute

Take an otherworldly journey in a school dedicated to out-of-body experiences.
Virginia Beach, Virginia

Wash Woods Settlement

The eerie ruins of a remote abandoned hamlet said to be founded by the survivors of a shipwreck.
Norfolk, Virginia


A cement mixer-turned-kaleidoscope in downtown Norfolk offers different views of the city.
Lynchburg, Virginia

Museums at Old City Cemetery

A quintet of history museums make this Virginia graveyard as much a resting place for funereal history as it is for people.
Dayton, Virginia

Mole Hill

One of the last active volcanoes on the Eastern seaboard.
Barboursville, Virginia

Barboursville Ruins

The ruins of this Thomas-Jefferson-designed mansion have been left to crumble since the Christmas Day they burnt down.
Roanoke, Virginia

Roanoke Pinball Museum

This collection of over 50 classic pinball machines awaits visitors to downtown Roanoke.
Norfolk, Virginia

Doumar's Barbecue

This old-fashioned carhop restaurant gave the world the waffle cone.
Lyndhurst, Virginia

Swannanoa Palace

This historic mansion was built as a symbol of love between a husband and wife.
Alexandria, Virginia

Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum

An original apothecary from 1792.