MissMonsterMovie's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Collinsville, Illinois

World's Largest Catsup Bottle

Quirky water tower advertises the long-gone Brooks Tomato Products Co.
Springfield, Missouri

World's Largest Fork

A 35-foot-tall fork stuck in the ground outside an office building in Missouri.
Leasburg, Missouri


Nestled in Onondaga State Park, over 100 canoes carefully stacked in a replica of the famous standing stones.
Columbia, Missouri


Like Stonehenge, but with boats and oodles more charm.
Austin, Minnesota

Spam Museum

Ever wanted to can Spam?
Mattoon, Illinois

Illinois’ Original Burger King

The multinational Burger King chain is banned from operating within 20 miles of a family restaurant filed under the same name.
Gays, Illinois

Two-Story Outhouse

This historic lavatory leftover features two levels of defecation stations completely without context.
Gibson City, Illinois

Harvest Moon Twin Drive-In Theatre

Take a trip back in time at this retro cinema dating back to 1954.
Atlanta, Illinois

Paul Bunyon

While he no longer has an eatery to give him context, this off-brand Paul Bunyan still holds his giant hot dog with pride.
Bloomington, Illinois

Dorothy's Grave

The carved remains of a 200-year-old oak tree memorialize the namesake of the iconic "Wizard of Oz" character.
Lake Village, Indiana

Giant Lady's Leg Sundial

A unique outdoor timepiece at a "clothing-optional" resort.
Centerville, Indiana

Warm Glow Candle Outlet

A giant lumpy candle serves as a beacon for this highly scented pit stop.
Alexandria, Indiana

World's Largest Ball of Paint

Covered in tens of thousands of coats of paint, this Indiana attraction holds a world record all its own.
Kokomo, Indiana


Along this stretch of Indiana roadway resides a giant insect composed entirely of scrap metal.
Cleveland, Ohio

World's Largest Rubber Stamp

Cleveland's giant "free" stamp is a nod to the Civil War, but was misinterpreted for years.
Mansfield, Ohio

BibleWalk Wax Museum

This recycled wax museum may be the only one that features John Travolta in a Bible scene.
Newark, Ohio

Longaberger Basket Building

An office built to look like a giant basket.
Chester, West Virginia

World's Largest Teapot

First a root beer ad, then a golf course clubhouse, and finally a massive teapot.
Alliance, Ohio

The Troll Hole

A record-size collection of wild-haired troll dolls tells the story of the mythical creature's roots in Scandinavian folklore.
Somerset, Pennsylvania

Statue of Jackson the Elephant

In the parking lot of a fast food restaurant, a statue memorializing a prolific bull elephant.
Bedford, Pennsylvania

Koontz Coffee Pot

This titanic java kettle is one of the many kitschy landmarks located along America's OTHER famous highway.
Everett, Pennsylvania

The Igloo Soft Freeze

Built in the 1970s, this curious modular home found new life as a sundae-shaped ice cream stand.
Sac City, Iowa

World's Largest Popcorn Ball

Eight feet in diameter and more than 24 feet around.
Clear Lake, Iowa

The Day The Music Died Memorial

A giant pair of thick black glasses mark the tragic demise of a trio of rock and roll legends.