victoriareyna's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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College Station, Texas

Bottle Cap Alley

Decades of discarded bottle caps line this alleyway, a fixture of Texas A&M.
Fredericksburg, Texas

National Museum of the Pacific War

Modern technology and live displays tell the story of the Pacific during WWII for the Internet generation.
Grand Saline, Texas

The Salt Palace

A small "palace" and museum made of, and devoted entirely, to salt.
San Antonio, Texas

Cool Crest Miniature Golf

The oldest active mini golf course in the U.S. has an elegant Art Deco style filled with lush tropical plants.
Dallas, Texas

Texas Theatre

This theatre was made famous after Lee Harvey Oswald was captured inside watching a film.
New Braunfels, Texas

Naegelin's Bakery

Texas's oldest bakery serves authentic German pastries, including legendary strudel.
Marfa, Texas

The Sentinel

With print dying, this local paper keeps the lights on by doubling as a stunning cafe and cocktail bar.
Comstock, Texas

Seminole Canyon

Beauty and history abound in this remote West Texas canyon.
Austin, Texas

Barkin' Springs

A free, canine-friendly alternative watering hole near the more famous Barton Springs.
Houston, Texas

Twilight Epiphany Skyspace

Artist James Turrell's ode to dawn and dusk on the campus of Rice University.
San Angelo, Texas

Blood Lake: the O.C. Fisher Reservoir

The end of times arrives, at least for the fish in the O.C. Fisher Reservoir.
Austin, Texas

The Sometimes Islands

Some islands... they come, they go, especially on Lake Travis.
San Antonio, Texas

Alamo Cat Graves

Two small markers remember the Alamo's feline protectors.
Orange, Texas

Shangri La Botanical Gardens & Nature Center

Nestled in the heart of a Texas town is a dreamy secret garden dating back to the 1940s.
San Marcos, Texas

Freeman Ranch Body Farm

Human remains in varying states of decay are strewn about this Texas State facility for scientific study.
Irving, Texas

Momo Spot

Exceptional Nepalese food can be found in a Texas gas station.
San Antonio, Texas

Rosita's Bridge

An ivy-covered arch bridge dedicated to Tejano music singer and legend Rosita Fernandez.
Dallas, Texas

Texas Centennial Art Deco Buildings

A "Texanic" (gigantic Texas) collection of Art Deco architecture at Dallas' historic Fair Park.
Galveston, Texas

S. S. Selma

A decaying concrete oil tanker served as a disposal location for bootleg hootch.
Paris, Texas

Jesus in Cowboy Boots

In Paris, Texas, even Jesus wears cowboy boots.
Llano, Texas

Baby Head Cemetery

This grimly-titled Texas cemetery is all that remains of a Wild West settlement with possibly the worst name.
Austin, Texas

'Hi, How Are You' Mural

This simple frog painting created by musician Daniel Johnston embodies the spirit of Austin.
Marfa, Texas

Wrong Store

This quirky outpost and gallery inside a former church is an unexpected trove of handcrafted art.
Dublin, Texas

Dublin Bottling Works

This soda factory is one of the last in America to use real cane sugar despite the protestations of Dr Pepper.