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Places visited in Buckinghamshire, England
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London, England

Severndroog Castle

A monolithic monument in Greater London.
London, England

Stables Market

Catacombs turned marketplace.
Aldbury, England

Bridgewater Monument

You can climb to the top of the column built to honor the "father of British inland navigation."
Buckinghamshire, England

Ivinghoe Beacon

Model aircraft soar over 360-degree views of the countryside at the start of England's oldest road.
London, England

Fulham Pottery Kiln

Crafted by one of the first makers of stoneware in England.
Windsor, England

Queen Charlotte Street

At just 51 feet and 10 inches long, it's the shortest street in England.
Whipsnade, England

Whipsnade White Lion

This unusual geoglyph was built as a warning so low-flying aircraft wouldn't scare the zoo animals.
Hertfordshire, England

Magic Roundabout

A giant roundabout made up of six smaller roundabouts can befuddle the uninitiated.
Gerrards Cross, England

Chalfont Viaduct

Locals call it the "Give Peas a Chance" bridge because of its distinct graffiti.
Beaconsfield, England

Bekonscot Model Village

The world's oldest model village.
Waddesdon, England

Waddesdon Manor Aviary

An ornate aviary built during the Victorian trend of collecting exotic birds.
Ivinghoe, England

The Pitstone Windmill

This windmill is believed to be the oldest in the British Isles.
Hertfordshire, England

Natural History Museum at Tring

The incredible private taxidermy collection of an eccentric zoologist.
Great Missenden, England

The Roald Dahl Museum

This magical museum celebrates the life and work of a seminal children's book writer (and occasional spy).
Bergen, Norway

Lepramuseet (Leprosy Museum)

St George's Leprosy Museum depicts the gruesome afflictions of those suffering from the disease.
Malmö, Sweden

Øresund Bridge

This chimerical bridge/tunnel appears to dead end right into the sea.
Larvik, Norway


Mysterious man-made rock piles form an ancient cemetery on this rocky beach in Norway.
Larvik, Norway

Minnehallen: The Hall of Remembrance

Norway's national monument to fallen seamen.
Santana, Portugal

Casas Típicas de Santana

These small, triangular, colorful houses are a staple of Madeira Island.
Monte, Portugal

Toboggan Ride from Monte to Funchal

Men in rubber-soled boots serve as your "brakes" on this toboggan ride Hemingway described as "exhilarating."
Funchal, Portugal

Principality of Pontinha

A micronation on an islet along the coast of a Portuguese island.
Funchal, Portugal

CR7 Museum

A shrine-like museum entirely dedicated to soccer superstar Cristiano Ronaldo.
Funchal, Portugal

'Plastic Mero'

Crafted from ocean litter, this sculpture highlights the ills of overconsumption.
London, England

Metropolitan Police Coat Hook

Installed at a chaotic intersection, this gave London traffic cops a place to hang their heavy woolen coats.