nbj914's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places added to Alaska
Places edited in Michigan
Places added to Alabama
Places added to Michigan
Places edited in Kentucky
Places added to Arkansas
Places added to Australia
Places edited in Canada
Places added to Kenya
Hakone, Japan

Hakone Open-Air Museum

Open-air museum with an elaborate sculpture garden, stretching for over 70,000 square-meters.
Manitowaning, Ontario

Manitou Lake

Lake within a lake.
Lancaster, California

Antelope Valley Indian Museum

Built by one man in the '20s, this site is now a museum representing the Great Basin cultures.
Nébias, France

Labyrinthe Vert de Nebias

Green labyrinth formed by a karstic maze hidden in a preserved oak forest.
Barkley West, South Africa

Wildebeest Kuil Rock Art Centre

Fascinating collection of Khoisan rock engravings, still situated in their original setting.
San Diego, California

Whaley House

San Diego's most historic and haunted home.
Peekskill, New York

Early Electrics

Astonishing collection of helmets, scientific instruments, and medical models.
Niagara Falls, New York

Niagara Science Museum

Collection of antique science instruments displayed in recreated 1870-1930 laboratories.
Two Rivers, Wisconsin

Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum

The home of 1.5 million wood letters for printing is still a functioning workshop.
Austin, Texas

Museum of the Weird

Continuing the tradition of the dime museum in style.
Supply, North Carolina

Mary's Gone Wild Folk Art and Doll Baby Museum

Divinely-inspired village houses 6,000 dolls, plus strange and lovely outsider art.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

House of Balls

Funhouse of found art and participatory sculpture.
Bishopville, South Carolina

Pearl Fryar Topiary Garden

One man's extraordinary topiary garden in a small South Carolina town.
Farmington Hills, Michigan

Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum

Astounding collection of coin-operated games and automata.
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Wabasha Street Caves

These curious caverns have been home to mushrooms, gangsters, and disco.
Chatsworth, California

LA-88 Nike Missile Site

Abandoned anti-ballistic missile base.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Vancouver Police Museum

Housing a morgue, rare and confiscated weapons, and autopsy remains, the Vancouver police museum displays the dark side of Canada.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden

Traditional 15th century Chinese garden in the middle of Vancouver.
Houston, Texas

Beer Can House

Beer lover's can-covered house.
Portland, Oregon

3D Center of Art and Photography

Taking the 3D art experience far beyond blue and red glasses.
Sydney, Australia

Museum of Human Disease

Australian museum dedicated to human health and lack thereof.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Philadelphia's Magic Gardens

A layered tribute to the work of mosaicist Isaiah Zagar.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Trundle Manor: House of Oddities

House of vintage taxidermy and Steampunk sculptures in a quiet Pittsburgh neighborhood.
Vieques, Puerto Rico

Mosquito Bay

The world's brightest bioluminescent bay.