nelson's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Southampton, England

SS Shieldhall

Built as part of a "sludge fleet" that transported sewage, this historic steamship now mostly moves people.
Cardiff, Wales

Ianto's Shrine

An impromptu shrine appeared shortly after beloved "Torchwood" character Ianto Jones was killed off the show.
Eindhoven, Netherlands

Silly Walks Tunnel

Crouch down, stretch tall, and be sure to flail your legs to pay homage to the Monty Python classic.
Lisbon, Portugal

Livraria Simão

One of the smallest bookstores on the planet.
London, England

Village Underground

Artists and musicians now rule over this former rail station.
London, England

I Goat

Spitalfields' regal market goat is said to be a monument to the area's migrant population but most are pretty sure it's just a goat.
London, England

Love Locks of East London

Lovers proclaim their unbreakable bond by leaving their names on locks fastened onto the Shoreditch fence in East London.
London, England

Whitechapel Fatberg Manhole Cover

It celebrates a very stinky task and salutes London's fatberg-vanquishing team.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Quality Yard

Enter this small nook and you'll be surrounded by 360 degrees of street art.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Dundas House

This stately bank building hides a spectacular star-studded ceiling.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Great Hall Ceiling at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery

Sprawled across the Great Hall ceiling are various constellations and images relating to the zodiac.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Remains of Dolly the Sheep

The taxidermy remains of the first mammal ever cloned from an adult cell are on display in Edinburgh.
Edinburgh, Scotland

John Knox's Grave

The Scottish Reformation leader's grave was paved over and is now a parking lot.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Gilbert the Phone Box

A former telephone box found new life as a photo booth and charity fundraiser.
Edinburgh, Scotland

King's Theatre Dome

This modern work of art was a refreshing addition to one of the oldest theatres in the city.