onedarcyanders's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Berlin, Germany


Where once there was a train station bathroom, there is now this German burger joint.
Völklingen, Germany

Volklinger Ironworks

A former ironworks that was the first UNESCO industrial site.
Kassel, Germany

Museum of Sepulchral Culture

This German museum is devoted to all aspects of grave culture from headstones to coffins.
Duisburg, Germany

Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord

This former steel and coal plant is now a neon-lit industrial fantasia.
Munich, Germany

Kunstkammer Georg Laue

One man's personal kunstkammer, museum and shop.
Hanover, Germany


Striking occult iconography on a medieval German church.
Sankt Andreasberg, Germany

Teufelskanzel & Hexenaltar

Goethe's "Faust" was inspired by these rock formations known as the "Devil's Pulpit" and "Witches' Altar."
Berlin, Germany

Weissensee Abandoned Children's Hospital

A state-of-the-art medical facility from the Imperial era is now a derelict ruin.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin Story Bunker

This World War II bunker now survives as a documentation of the Nazi regime and war crimes.
Zinnowitz, Germany

Submerged Gondola

An elevator into the Baltic Sea.
Potsdam, Germany

Sanssouci Palace

The "Prussian Versailles" that is as glorious today as when it was built.
Berlin, Germany

Museum der Dinge

From toys to kettles to scientific instruments, this German museum celebrates the beauty of 20th century design.
Cologne, Germany

Church of St. Ursula

A church filled with the bones of hundreds of virgins martyrs—or so they say.
Berlin, Germany

Berliner Unterwelten (Subterranean Berlin)

A tour of underground Berlin takes you through WWII air raid shelters and tunnels used to smuggle people out of East Germany.
Horn-Bad Meinberg, Germany


Between Neo-Pagans and Neo-Nazis, these strange rock formations have a curious cult following and a very strange history.
Lemgo, Germany

Karl Junker House

An intricate and amazing house built by architect Karl Junker.
Auerstedt, Germany

Auerworld Palace

Living trees form the structure of an open-air palace.
Berlin, Germany


A collection of abandoned typographic signs from Berlin and beyond.
Berlin, Germany

Peristal Singum

Fall down the rabbit hole into a surreal journey of human consciousness "from ass to soul."
Berlin, Germany


A whimsical and twisted animatronic monster tour beneath the streets of Berlin.
Gablenz, Germany

Rakotzbrücke Devil's Bridge

This jaw-dropping 19th-century bridge uses its reflection to form what appears to be a perfect circle.
Berlin, Germany


An eerie, derelict amusement park in Berlin.
Hamburg, Germany

Impaled Skull of Klaus Stortebeker

Executed in 1401, Exhumed in 1878, Stolen in 2010.