oriyakobovich's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Rotterdam, Netherlands

Erasmus Statue

The oldest statue in the Netherlands has survived relocation, bombardment, and burial.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

De Hef

A bridge that has seen many reiterations over its lifetime.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

De Brandgrens (The Blaze Boundary)

These lights mark the area of Rotterdam that was bombed and burned in 1940.
Rotterdam, Netherlands


A giant yellow phallus sculpture hidden in the gardens of the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen.
Rotterdam, Netherlands


The Netherlands' first car tunnel has an unusually rectangular shape.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Blaak House

Elegant marble and old vaults fill this historic Dutch bank turned office space.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

'De Bospoldervos'

A massive stone fox oversees a Rotterdam elementary school crosswalk.
Chittorgarh, India

Chittorgarh Fort

A former bastion of Rajput chivalry, this massive hill fort is the site of legend and tragedy.
Abhaneri, India

Chand Baori

Thousands of exquisitely carved stone water storage wells, hundreds of stone steps fill this exquisite medieval stepwell.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Literatų Gatvė (Literature Street)

Plaques celebrating Lithuanian writers freckle a wall of this picture-perfect path.
Kaunas, Lithuania

Museum of the History of Lithuanian Medicine and Pharmacy

Folky pharmaceuticals abound in this medicinal reliquary.
Varėnos rajono savivaldybė, Lithuania

Pyramid of Merkine

The pyramid and dome deep inside the Dzūkija forest are believed to channel divine energy.
Kaunas, Lithuania

Kaunas Museum for the Blind

Museum deep in the catacombs of St. Michael the Archangel Church is explored by touch, sound, and smell.
Kudirkos Naumiestis, Lithuania

Franz Sederevičiaus Sculpture Ensemble

An impressive ensemble of sculptures that survived the Soviet regime.
Pušaloto seniūnija, Lithuania

Niurkoniai Chapel

This lonely Lithuanian chapel looks more beautiful and haunting in decline than it ever did in life.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Lukiškės Prison

A century-old prison in the heart of Vilnius is now a lively bar, dance club, and artist residency.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Church of St. Casimir

A miraculous three-handed portrait of a saint can be found inside this church.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Museum of Edinburgh

This 16th-century house tells the city's history through old artifacts and quirky tales.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Barnton Quarry Nuclear Bunker

Formerly abandoned underground complex to keep royals safe from a nuclear war that never came.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Lauriston Castle

This allegedly haunted 16th-century tower house-turned-museum exhibits thousands of spectacular objects.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Sheep Heid Inn

One of Edinburgh's oldest pubs hides a 19th-century skittles alley in the back.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Library of Mistakes

A library where thousands of books explain how to avoid another Great Recession.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Wojtek the Soldier Bear Memorial

A statue in the heart of Edinburgh honors a bear that served in the Polish military during World War II.
Edinburgh, Scotland

St. Bernard's Well

A beautiful Greco-Roman structure houses a well once believed to have healing powers.