Ozone990's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Dunmore, Scotland

Dunmore Park House

A once extravagant mansion, now reduced to ruin.
West Sussex, England

Millennium Seed Bank

Nearly 2 billion seeds from 38,000 species are stored and processed at this visitable facility in a quiet corner of England.
Sussex, England

Ouse Valley Viaduct Bridge

The elegant structure of this 19th century railroad bridge creates an illusion of infinity.
Lewes, England

The Lewes Shark Weather Vane

This toothy tower topper commemorates a valuable shark that washed ashore nearby.
Bletchley, England

National Museum of Computing

Museum celebrating the history of computers, especially their role in codebreaking.
Milton Keynes, England

Bletchley Park

Home to Alan Turing, the cracking of the Enigma code, and Captain Ridley's shooting party.
Nottingham, England

Park Tunnel

An engineering error ensured this cavernous 350-foot-long subterranean thoroughfare was never used as intended.
Shetland Islands, Scotland

Ayres of Swinister

The recurring nature of this geographic feature might make it unique in the world.
Scalloway, Scotland

The Shetland Bus Memorial

This memorial celebrates the legacy of the British-Norwegian resistance movement during World War II.
Lerwick, Scotland

'Shetland Receivers'

This audio art installation pays tribute to the weather and unique linguistic history of the archipelago.
Lerwick, Scotland

Up Helly Aa

During this Shetland Islands celebration, hundreds of torch-carrying "guizers" lead a procession to burn a viking longboat.
Lerwick, Scotland

Shetland Library

This public library still showcases its former life as a 19th-century church.
Lerwick, Scotland

Lerwick Public Sign Snail

The unexpected mascot of Shetland's capital.
Lerwick, Scotland

The Dutchman's Leap

Legend has it that a Dutch fisherman lost control of his Shetland pony and tumbled from this cliff.
Bodiam, England

Bodiam Castle

A beautiful ruin of a 14th-century Plantagenet castle built by a medieval mercenary.
Rye, England

The Mermaid Inn

This centuries-old hotel hides a network of secret cellars and passages once used by smugglers.
East Sussex, England

The Quarter Boys

Two gilded cherubs perched on a church bell tower have been reminding visitors of the finitude of life since 1760.
Rye, England

Rye Water House

An ancient water supply dating back almost 500 years can still be found standing in East Sussex.
Rye, England

Ypres Tower

Also known as Rye Castle, this 13th-century fortification later became a prison and held one of Rye's most famous criminals.
Rye, England

Camber Castle

Henry VIII's forgotten castle was built by the gunpowder-obsessed king to be defended solely by cannons.
Hastings, England

Jack in the Green

Every May, townspeople welcome summer with a bizarre pagan parade led by a man wrapped in garlands.
Hastings, England

Shipwreck Museum

From battleships to Roman vessels, this museum explores the depths of shipwrecks in the region.
Hastings, England

The Amsterdam Shipwreck

This remarkably intact, 260-year-old cargo ship is only visible at the lowest of spring tides.
Eastbourne, England

The Lamb Inn

Eat and drink at a pub older than the Magna Carta