peggy126's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Library's Community Bookshelf

Community bookshelf of 25-foot-tall book spines.
Kansas City, Missouri

Country Club Plaza

The first car-centric shopping plaza in the U.S. brought a little bit of Spain to downtown Kansas City.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Gene Kelly's Pittsburgh Plaque

This plaque marks a place where one of Hollywood’s most famous dancers got his start.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Rocky Statue

Yo, Adrian!
Cleveland, Ohio

Jesse Owens Statue

A bronze monument to Cleveland's favorite, fastest son.
Cleveland, Ohio

A Christmas Story House and Museum

The home made famous by the 1983 holiday classic is now a perfectly preserved shrine to the movie.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Dippy the Dinosaur

A model of a dinosaur that was named for Andrew Carnegie stands outside the museum that also bears his name.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Forbes Field Wall

A portion of the old Pirates stadium over which a defining home run once flew still stands even after the rest of the stadium was torn down.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Arsenal Park

This public park was the site of the largest civilian disaster of the Civil War.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

West End Overlook

The only way to see Pittsburgh is from the top of this lookout point, just like the ancient members of the native peoples did.
Brooklyn, New York

West 8th Street - NY Aquarium Subway Station

New York's southernmost subway station is whimsically wavy.
Brooklyn, New York

Deno's Wonder Wheel

One of the most enjoyable bits of history at Coney Island and “the most romantic ride in the world.”
New York, New York

Fearless Girl Statue

Wall Street has a new heroine, a bronze statue of a small but fierce girl.
Arco, Idaho

Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve

Home to the deepest rift anywhere on Earth.
Orlando, Florida

Skeletons: Museum of Osteology

Hundreds of skulls and bones at the largest skeleton museum in the country.
Celebration, Florida

Mickey Pylon

Electrical pylon in the shape of Disney's beloved mouse.
Key West, Florida

U.S. Route 1 Mile 0 Sign

The highway's southernmost spot is a beloved local attraction.
Key West, Florida

Southernmost Point of the Continental U.S.

A monument celebrating the idea of reaching inaccessible places.
St. Augustine, Florida

The Fountain of Youth

A tribute to Ponce de Leon's supposed quest for eternal youth.
Key West, Florida

Ernest Hemingway Home & Museum

The former home of the Nobel Prize-winning American writer is now home to dozens of six-toed cats.
Key West, Florida

Dry Tortugas

These remote Florida islands have a history of sea turtles and sunken treasures, and one of the world's largest coastal brick fortresses.
Wahiawa, Hawaii

World's Largest Plant Maze

Race through the maze, get your name on the sign.

Punalu`u Black Sand Beach

This black shoreline is made up of exploded lava particles.
Santa Monica, California

Route 66 End of the Trail Sign

A sign at the end of the Santa Monica Pier marks the traditional end of the legendary American highway.