PLBeligni's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Soda Springs, Idaho

Geyser Park

Home to a timed geyser created by complete accident.
Coolin, Idaho

Lionhead Natural Water Slides

Natural rock water slides hidden in the remote forests of northern Idaho.
Ekalaka, Montana

Medicine Rocks State Park

This beautiful ancient site is dotted with perforated sandstone pillars considered sacred by some Native American groups.
Detroit, Michigan

Diego Rivera's Detroit Industry

These enduring murals depicting a distinctly Marxist tribute to capitalism could not even be defeated by McCarthyism.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Church of Our Saviour

Climb to the top of its spiral spire for spectacular views of Copenhagen.
Gary, Indiana

City Methodist Church

This stunning gothic ruin was a casualty of the Indiana steel industry crash.
Indianapolis, Indiana

The Ruins

Once adorning a New York skyscraper, these reclaimed ruins now haunt an Indiana park.
Bedford, Indiana

Bluespring Caverns

The longest navigable underground river in the United States is home to countless blind and albino animals.
Prince, West Virginia

Prince Station

In the mountains of West Virginia is this perfectly preserved Art Deco train station.
Green Bank, West Virginia

Green Bank Telescope

The world's largest fully steerable radio telescope.
Thurmond, West Virginia

Thurmond, West Virginia

Once connected to the outside world by a single train track, this ghost town is looked after by the National Park Service.
Tagish, Yukon

Venus Silver Mine

The picturesque remains of an abandoned silver mine slope down to Tagish Lake in the Yukon.
Braddock, Pennsylvania

Carrie Furnaces

These disused steel furnaces are now haunting ruins that may one day be a national park.
Wellsboro, Pennsylvania

Pine Creek Gorge

This lush forest valley was once mined for lumber to the extent that it was once nicknamed "The Pennsylvania Desert."
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

Hoover-Mason Trestle

The internal railway of one of the biggest steel plants in America has been transformed into a linear park with unique industrial views.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

West End Overlook

The only way to see Pittsburgh is from the top of this lookout point, just like the ancient members of the native peoples did.
Ohiopyle, Pennsylvania

Kentuck Knob

The house that Frank Lloyd Wright "(shook) out of his sleeve at will" at the age of 86.
Pittston, Pennsylvania

Abandoned Knox Coal Distribution Center

The graffitied ruins stand hidden within the Pennsylvania woods.
Kennett Square, Pennsylvania

Longwood Gardens

This palatial botanical garden is home to one of the largest pipe organs ever installed in a private residence, and a piece of Wood's cycad.
Mt. Jewett, Pennsylvania

Kinzua Bridge

Once the "Eighth Wonder of the World," this iron railroad bridge was decimated by a tornado.
Mill Run, Pennsylvania


Frank Lloyd Wright's most iconic home dangles over a Pennsylvania waterfall.
Campbell, Ohio

Iron Soup

There is beauty and history in the ruins of this former company town.
Hinckley, Ohio

Worden's Ledges

Faces carved into the cliffs create an otherworldly walking trail.
Cleveland, Ohio

Frozen Cleveland Lighthouse

An unoccupied lighthouse encased in layers of ice from the waters of Lake Erie.