Princess Nixie's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Hume, California
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Lake City, Colorado

Slumgullion Earthflow

This National Natural Landmark is one of the best examples of a “mass wasting” in the world.
Ouray, Colorado

Ouray Alchemist

A recreation of an Old West apothecary full of curios.
Ouray, Colorado

Box Canyon Falls

A glimpse of a waterfall is reached by a steel catwalk along a slot canyon located in an Ouray city park.
Katy, Texas

Forbidden Gardens

Scale replica of China's ancient terracotta tomb warriors and Forbidden City are the side project of an eccentric millionaire.
Sparta, Wisconsin

FAST Fiberglass Mold Graveyard

These molds for fiberglass statues have formed an eerie, accidental sculpture park.
Grand Marais, Minnesota

Devil's Kettle

Half of a waterfall goes into the river while the other half seems to disappear.
Angle Inlet, Minnesota

Northwest Angle

America's silhouette includes 100 square miles of wilderness jutting into Canada thanks to an old mapmaking error.
Seattle, Washington

Fremont Troll

A giant Troll lurks under one of Seattle's oldest bridges.
Drumheller, Alberta

The Hoodoos of Drumheller Valley

Hoodoos, naturally eroded land formations, stand 20 feet tall in the Canadian badlands.
Fort Worth, Texas

Fort Worth Water Gardens

A modernist landscape of water and sci-fi concrete.
Fort Worth, Texas

Lee Harvey Oswald's Grave

Of course the grave of JFK's assassin is surrounded by conspiracy theories.
Lake Powell, Utah

Cathedral in the Desert

The damming of the Colorado River buried an iconic geologic formation before record-breaking drought brought it back.
Rancho Palos Verdes, California

Wayfarers Chapel

A Swedenborgian glass church surrounded by redwoods sits perched atop a massive landslide area.
Kaneohe, Hawaii

Ha'iku Stairs

A Hawaiian stairway to heaven—that you can't climb.
Eleele, Hawaii

McBryde Sugar Plantation Cemetery

A burial ground for workers at one of Hawai'i's largest sugarcane producers that laid buried for decades.
Honolulu, Hawaii

Site of the Japanese WWII Surrender

A glass display case holds the document that ended the Second World War—which one person signed on the wrong line.
Honolulu, Hawaii

Amelia Earhart Memorial Plaque

Hiding in plane sight.
Honolulu County, Hawaii

Tern Island

This airstrip atoll is uninhabited by humans, but absolutely full of birds.
Kaumakani, Hawaii

Site of the Ni'ihau Incident

A Japanese pilot crash-landed on this Hawaiian island after the Pearl Harbor attack and terrorized locals for a week.
Naalehu, Hawaii

Kamilo Beach

Formerly a lovely white sand beach this Hawaiian stretch is now a trap for countless tons of trash.
Waimea, Hawaii

Parker Ranch

This Hawaiian cattle ranch acts as a museum devoted to the island cowboys that predate the wild west.
Honolulu, Hawaii

Ali’iolani Hale

Once the site of the Hawaiian monarchy, this building was originally designed as a palace.
Kaneohe, Hawaii

Battery Cooper Bunker

This World War II-era bunker is now packed with posters and props from movies and TV shows filmed nearby.
Captain Cook, Hawaii

The Painted Church

A priest with no formal artistic training used basic house paint to create gorgeous religious scenes inside this historic church.