Raksha's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Improvement District No. 24, Alberta

Wood Buffalo National Park

The world's largest dark sky preserve is a Canadian park established to preserve the country's last wood bison.
Banff, Alberta

Banff Springs Hotel

Few other hotels can rival the grandeur of the Castle in the Rockies.
Greenwood, British Columbia

The Ghost Town of Phoenix

Only a few remaining items alert intrepid explorers that a town once stood in this region.
British Columbia

Three Valley Gap Heritage Ghost Town

A historic ghost town still worth a visit.
Fort Nelson, British Columbia

Fort Nelson Heritage Museum

Home to vintage vehicles and local artifacts, this museum also houses a rare taxidermy specimen.
Duncan, British Columbia

Hand of Man Museum

A former elementary school houses one man's extensive collection of art, artifacts, and taxidermy.
Abbotsford, British Columbia

Sumas Substation

A former electric substation that was converted into a magnificent mansion.
Port Renfrew, British Columbia

Avatar Grove

This patch of old-growth forest is home to Canada's gnarliest tree.
Sparwood, British Columbia

The World's Largest Tandem Axle Truck

Nestled near the mountains of western Canada resides this behemoth earth mover.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Granville Island Hat Shop

A hat for every occasion can be found in this British Columbia haunt.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Science World Station

The ruins of Vancouver's abandoned heritage railway.
Victoria, British Columbia

Emily Carr House

This Italianate house was the childhood home of the prominent Canadian painter, Emily Carr.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Roedde House Museum

This rare example of Vancouver's Victorian past was the home of one of the city's first bookbinders.
Surrey, British Columbia

Faerie Village of Redwood Park

A colorful hidden village of the fair folk.
British Columbia

Spirit Bears of the Great Bear Rainforest

This vast, pristine wilderness is home to a rare subspecies of black bear.
Whistler, British Columbia

Parkhurst Ghost Town

An abandoned logging settlement nestled in the woods near a popular ski town.
Chilliwack, British Columbia

Bridal Veil Falls

Cascading outward, this waterfall creates the appearance of a flowing veil.
Victoria, British Columbia

Hatley Castle

This castle was once considered as an option for the Royal Family's alternate residence, but you may know it better from the 'X-Men' movie.
Penny, British Columbia

Ancient Forest/Chun T'oh Whudujut

Thousand-year-old trees tower within one of the world's only inland temperate rainforests.
Tofino, British Columbia

Canso Bomber Crash Site

The wreckage still sits at the exact spot the plane crash-landed in 1945, carrying 1,000 pounds of explosives.
Victoria, British Columbia

Miniature World

A famous hotel houses an impression collection of mini dioramas and giant doll houses.
Whistler, British Columbia

The Mushroom House

Home inspired by the crystal rock formation of the Emerald Estates.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Dude Chilling Park

A renegade art installation in a small Vancouver park is now officially sanctioned by the City Parks Department.
Sooke, British Columbia

Abandoned Deertrail Resort

A crumbling cliffside ruin hidden in the woods.