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Warsaw, Poland

Mały Powstaniec (The Little Insurrectionist)

A statue honors the children who fought Nazis in Poland.

Moving Sand Dunes

These massive moving sand dunes have swallowed an entire village and are still on the run.
Wrocław, Poland

Przejście (Passage)

A striking public sculpture representing the period of martial law in Communist Poland.
Torun, Poland

Toruń Gingerbread Museum

Once a giant gingerbread factory, this space now hosts exhibits and workshops on the historic treat.
Krakow, Poland

Nowa Huta

This sprawling concrete suburb of Kraków was designed by the Soviet Union as the model proletarian city.
Zakopane, Poland

Old Zakopane Cemetery

Polish luminaries and masterful folk art find sanctuary in this unique cemetery.
Wrocław, Poland

Wroclaw Dwarves

The silly symbol for an underground protest group is now scattered around the city.
Sopot, Poland

Krzywy Domek - Crooked House

This fairytale inspired, warped building houses restaurants, shops, and a radio station.
Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw Uprising Monument

A tribute to the Polish insurgents who fought in the failed attempt to end their city's Nazi occupation.
Gdańsk, Poland

Gdansk Astronomical Clock

A huge wooden clock that is so beautiful its creator was forcibly blinded.
Torun, Poland

Nicolaus Copernicus House

Museum dedicated to "the man who moved the Earth."
Bydgoszcz, Poland

The Exploseum

An abandoned Nazi explosives plant founded by the inventor of dynamite is now an underground museum.
Gdańsk, Poland

Wisłoujście Fortress

This 700-year-old structure is one of the most unique architectural and historic monuments in Gdańsk.
Warsaw, Poland

Keret House

The world’s narrowest house makes for an awkward, four-foot-wide living space.
Krakow, Poland

Collegium Maius

Poland's oldest surviving university building holds a wealth of historic science instruments including some used by Copernicus.
Krakow, Poland

Kościuszko Mound

This man-made mound monument was built out of soil from all across the Polish empire.
Szymbark, Poland

Upside-Down House

Communism's topsy-turvy effect on Poland has been brought to life in this wacky tourist trap.
kłodzki, Poland

Błędne Skały

Naturally formed rock city in Poland.
Warsaw, Poland

Chopin's Heart

After the famous composer died in Paris, his sister snuck his heart out of the country to honor his wish that it be buried in their native country.
Zalipie, Poland

The Painted Village of Zalipie

This uber-quaint Polish village is known for its habit of painting elaborate floral motifs on just about everything.
Gdańsk, Poland

Ruins at Westerplatte

The site of the first battle of World War II.
Walbrzych, Poland

Książ Castle

A fairytale Gothic castle steeped in Nazi treasure conspiracy theories.
Ketrzyn, Poland

The Wolf's Lair

This Nazi ruin was the site where Hitler was almost blown up by a suitcase bomb.
Oswiecim, Poland

Auschwitz Concentration Camp

The former Nazi concentration camp stands as a museum to remember this dark chapter in European history.