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Places visited in Nanjing, China
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Goslar, Germany

Goslar Nail Head

This strange sculpture is an enigmatic icon of this medieval German town.
Jajce, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Jajce Fortress

The remains of the last Bosnian fortress to fall to the Ottomans are still standing.
Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Partisan Memorial Cemetery

This surreal memorial/cemetery is a necropolis of crumbling stonework and puzzle-shaped headstones.
Jezero, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Watermills of Jajce

This cluster of little wooden huts once ground local farmers’ wheat into flour during the days of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Studenci, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Kravice Waterfalls

There's a mini version of Iguazu Falls hidden in the Balkans, and it's got a rope swing.
Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Stari Most

Bridge that died in war and was resurected.
Konjic, Bosnia and Herzegovina

ARK D-0: Tito's Nuclear Bunker

This top-secret nuclear bunker hidden in a Bosnian mountain has been converted to a modern art exhibition space.
Leuven, Belgium


A giant bug impaled on a 75-foot-tall needle.
Oxford, England

The Norrington Room

Once one of the largest rooms full of books in the world, this bookstore basement is still a treat for bibliophiles.
Budapest, Hungary

Zero Kilometer Stone

The geographical center of Budapest is marked with a 10-foot-tall stylized zero.
Budapest, Hungary

Szimpla Kert

A Trabant car, a kangaroo statue, and a plethora of plants take over this abandoned-factory-turned-bar.
Budapest, Hungary

Shoes on the Danube Promenade

A trail of iron footwear stands as a monument to the thousands executed along this riverbank during WWII.
Budapest, Hungary

Ronald Reagan Statue in Budapest

A statue in Budapest's Liberty Square honors the former U.S. president's efforts to end the Cold War.
Budapest, Hungary

Budapest Agriculture Museum

A fake Transylvanian castle houses a cathedral of antlers.
Budapest, Hungary

Terror Háza

Museum dedicated to the terror regimes of Hungary.
Budapest, Hungary

Vajdahunyad Castle

This Hungarian castle was built out of cardboard and wood until it proved so popular that it got upgraded to stone.
Budapest, Hungary

The Holy Right

The mummified right fist of a 1,000-year-old saint-king sits inside an ornate golden reliquary.
Brussels, Belgium

Musée des Égouts Bruxelles (Brussels Sewer Museum)

Head underground and take a tour of the city's working sewer system, and see the underground river Senne, which defined Brussels for centuries before being covered in the 19th century.
Brussels, Belgium

Jeanneke Pis

Brussels' favorite peeing boy has a sister.
Brussels, Belgium

Black Tower

A fantastical 13th-century fortification sandwiched by a modern hotel in central Brussels.
Brussels, Belgium

Manneken Pis

A little sculpture with a large wardrobe.
Brussels, Belgium


Theme park featuring miniature replicas of European monuments.
Brussels, Belgium

The Belgian Centre for Comic Strip Art

From Tintin to the Smurfs, Europe's greatest graphic icons are celebrated in a grand Art Noveau gallery.
Brussels, Belgium

The Musical Instrument Museum

Three floors of musical instruments coming from all corners of the world and hundreds of years of musical history.