saadnajmi2's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Rotorua, New Zealand


Major tourist destination known for its bubbling mud-pools and hot thermal springs.
Memphis, Tennessee

National Civil Rights Museum

The hotel where Martin Luther King Jr. was shot is now a museum dedicated to his work.
Memphis, Tennessee

Silky O'Sullivan's

Home to drunken tower-climbing goats... seriously.
Memphis, Tennessee

Mud Island River Park

A Memphis park where you can walk the whole Mississippi River in one go.
Memphis, Tennessee

Sun Studio

This Memphis recording studio launched the careers of Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash, and Elvis Presley.
Memphis, Tennessee

Shelby Farms Park

This park offers a variety of sights and activities including trail rides and buffalo sightings.
Memphis, Tennessee

The Crystal Shrine Grotto

This head-spinningly bizarre Depression-era art cave is wall-to-wall quartz and Jesus.
Cairns, Australia

'Citizens Gateway to the Great Barrier Reef'

This public art is inspired by a local Aboriginal creation story.
Reykjavik, Iceland

Álfaskólinn (Elf School)

Learn about Iceland's hidden folk at this school dedicated to the study of elves.
Reykjavik, Iceland

Piece of Berlin Wall In Iceland

A bit of the Berlin Wall was gifted to the Icelandic capital to commemorate the 25th anniversary of German reunification.
Reykjavik, Iceland

Icelandic Punk Museum

This tiny museum's sizable collection is jammed into a former underground public toilet.
Reykjavik, Iceland

Hólavallagarður Cemetery

This verdant, tree-lined Reykjavik graveyard is both enchanting and eerie.
Reykjavik, Iceland

Reykjavík 871±2

The exhibition explores the Icelandic city's Viking Age history.
Reykjavik, Iceland

Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur

One of the oldest family businesses in Reykjavík serves lamb-based hot dogs.
Oslo, Norway

St. Hallvard's Church and Monastery

The Brutalist building harbors an unusual inverted dome that swoops down over its central sacred room.
Oslo, Norway

The Devil of Oslo

In downtown Oslo, a menacing and terrifying relief clings to a church wall.
Oslo, Norway

Hrimnir Ramen

A microbiologist-chef is slinging noodles with hyperlocal Nordic ingredients.
Gillingham, England

The PS Medway Queen

The "Heroine of Dunkirk" rescued over 7,000 Allied troops during the historic World War II evacuation.
Krakow, Poland

Nowa Huta

This sprawling concrete suburb of Kraków was designed by the Soviet Union as the model proletarian city.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Atomic Liquors

Back in 1952, you could get a mushroom cloud chaser with your atomic cocktail.
Almaty, Kazakhstan

Ascension Cathedral

In Kazakhstan, a colorful cathedral with many lives once survived the most powerful earthquake in the region.
Almaty, Kazakhstan

Beatles Statue of Almaty

Beatlemania is still going strong... at least in Kazakhstan.
Arnavutköy, Turkey

Istanbul Airport Museum

This airport also offers travelers the chance to view thousands of years of Turkish history.

Ancient Kjolur Trail

Outlaws, hot springs, and tragedy have all left their mark on this ancient road in the Icelandic highlands.