sarahepuleo's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Monterey, California

Monterey's Moon Tree

A tree grown from astronaut seeds which were exposed to cosmic rays.
Mount Hamilton, California

Lick Observatory

The world's first permanently occupied mountain-top observatory continues to report on the stars.
Gilroy, California

Gilroy Gardens

Home to the "Circus" trees created by Axel Erlandson.
Mono County, California

Hot Creek Geological Site

This naturally heated mountainous creek has created a group of neon blue pools of potentially deadly boiling water.
Lee Vining, California

Mono Lake

Aqueducts have dramatically changed this old lake, now home to tufa towers and its very own species of tiny brine shrimp.
Sonora, California

Legends Books, Antiques & Soda Fountain

A cozy bookstore is tucked within an old gold mine shaft beneath the cafe and ice cream shop.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Found art has transformed this Pittsburgh neighborhood into a psychedelic dream.
East Cleveland, Ohio

Warner and Swasey Observatory

This lovely university observatory continues to sit abandoned since its potential savior was sent to jail for fraud.
Peninsula, Ohio

Helltown, Ohio

The tragic reality of a town riddled with rumors of haunts, chemical spills, and serial killers.
Bentleyville, Ohio

Henry Church Rock

Landmark dedicated to the plight of the American Indian in the 21st century.
Sisters, Oregon

Clear Lake

The trunks of 3,000 year-old trees lurk beneath the surface of this crystal clear lake in Oregon.
Denver, Colorado

National Ice Core Lab

Where scientists keep miles of very valuable ice from Antarctica and Greenland from melting.
Brooklyn, New York

Sunny's Bar

Once a popular watering hole among longshoremen and shipyard workers, this neighborhood treasure spans more than 100 years of Red Hook history.
Brooklyn, New York

Sunset Park's 68th Precinct

I fought the law and the precinct caved in.
Brooklyn, New York

Staten Island's Lost Subway Tunnel

An abandoned subway tunnel that could have reinvigorated Staten Island still lies somewhere beneath this Brooklyn park.
Brooklyn, New York

Coney Island Museum

An oasis of calm amid the chaos of the boardwalk, the museum traces the heritage of this beloved beachside amusement park.
Brooklyn, New York

Coney Art Walls

This outdoor gallery of graffiti-covered walls pays homage to the past, present, and possible future of street art.
Columbia, New Jersey

Paulinskill Viaduct

Once the world's largest reinforced concrete structure, this abandoned bridge now beckons urban explorers.
Bangor, Pennsylvania

Columcille Megalith Park

This park contains a number of standing stones meant to heal and inspire.
Mount Bethel, Pennsylvania

Delaware River Viaduct

This huge, disused viaduct is now a crumbling concrete underworld of covered in years of graffiti.
Staten Island, New York

Nonnas of the World

A restaurant on Staten Island showcases a different grandmother’s cooking every night.
Parsippany-Troy Hills, New Jersey

Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital

This hospital fell into ruins after failing to act as the advocate for the mentally ill it was designed to be.
Staten Island, New York

The New York City Farm Colony

The haunting, dilapidated remains of a former poorhouse on Staten Island's Greenbelt.
Summit, New Jersey

Abandoned Summit Greenhouse

An enormous overgrown greenhouse teeming with graffiti and wildlife.