Satsu's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Dublin, Ireland

Marsh's Library

The oldest public library in Ireland.
Galway, Ireland

Abandoned Menlo Castle

A moody and picturesque riverside ruin overgrown with vegetation.
Kerry, Ireland

Skellig Michael

Perfectly preserved ancient monastery in an impossibly dramatic location on a rocky island in the Atlantic.
Heimaey, Iceland

World's Largest Puffin Colony

Every summer local children form "pysja patrols" to save young birds that have wandered from their nests.


A little-visited waterfall in an otherworldly landscape.


Rising from the sea like a stone monster.


The unique waterfall in Iceland's south features a backdrop of geometric black lava columns.
Sark, Guernsey

Sark Prison

One of the world's smallest prisons boasts just two small cells.
Les Vauxbelets, Guernsey

The Little Chapel

An intricately decorated tiny place of worship.

Semuc Champey

Hidden deep in the Guatemalan jungle is a turquoise paradise of natural pools, caves, and waterfalls.
Psichro, Greece

Dikteon Cave

According to myth, Zeus himself was hidden in this cave to escape being eaten by his dad.
Athens, Greece

The Athenian Agora

This ancient Greek place of assembly and marketplace is being revealed layer by layer below the modern Athens cityscape.

The Oracle of Delphi

The hallucinogenic center of the ancient world.
Kalabaka, Greece


Monasteries on rock pillars, once accessible only by frayed ropes.
Berlin, Germany

The Return of the Cows

Art and a pun, all in one.
Mühltal, Germany

Castle Frankenstein

The birthplace of an eccentric alchemist and possible inspiration for the fictional reanimator of monsters.
Paris, France

The Duluc Detective Agency

Noirish green neon marks the location of one of the oldest private detective agencies in France.
Cahors, France

Pont Valentre

A 14th century bridge built as a fortress, where the devil lurks on one of its towers.
Mont Saint-Michel, France

Mont Saint-Michel

This 1,300 year old monastery built atop a single rock was once only accessible depending on the whims of the tide.
Falkland Islands

Bodie Creek Suspension Bridge

An abandoned suspension bridge on the Falkland Islands is crumbling into the water.
Stanley, Falkland Islands

Christ Church Cathedral

The southernmost Anglican cathedral in the world has whale bones standing in its yard.
Falkland Islands

Bertha's Beach

This remote stretch of sand is a penguin lover's paradise.
Luxor, Egypt

Colossi of Memnon

These Egyptian statues have survived for 3,400 years and were an acoustic wonder of the ancient world.
Quito, Ecuador

Basílica del Voto Nacional

Legend says if this neo-Gothic basilica is ever officially completed, the world will come to an end.