SEANETTA's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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SEANETTA's activity rankings
Places visited in Edinburgh, Scotland
Places added to Scotland
Places edited in United Kingdom
Places visited in York, England
Places added to United Kingdom
Places edited in San Francisco, California
Places visited in Scotland
Places added to London, England
Places edited in San Jose, California
Edinburgh, Scotland

Greyfriars Cemetery Mortsafes

Protecting the dead from opportunistic body snatchers.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Edinburgh Castle Dog Cemetery

The final resting place of soldiers' loyal canine companions.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Wojtek the Soldier Bear Memorial

A statue in the heart of Edinburgh honors a bear that served in the Polish military during World War II.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Royal Botanic Gardens of Edinburgh

One of the oldest scientific gardens in Britain, containing more than 13,302 plant species in its core collection.
Falkirk, Scotland

Falkirk Wheel

Old-fashioned knowledge and modern engineering create the world's only rotating boatlift.
Glasgow, Scotland

The Glasgow Necropolis

"Respectful to the dead, safe and sanitary to the living, dedicated to the Genius of Memory..."
London, England

London Wall

Scattered throughout London are ancient remnants of the city's former bounding wall.
London, England

Grant Museum of Zoology

The only university zoological museum in London houses extinct animals, bizarre natural history specimens, and a Micrarium of microscopic creatures.
London, England

Hunterian Museum

The anatomical-pathological collection of a man who changed surgery.