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Places edited in Palestrina, Italy
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Innichen, Italy

Bagni Wildbad

Crumbling ruins of the thermal baths that once attracted royals and aristocrats from throughout Europe.
Praia A Mare, Italy

Dino Island

The abandoned ruins of a failed resort hide on this verdant, picture-perfect island.
Bagni San Filippo, Italy

Fosso Bianco

Nestled in the hills of Tuscany are gorgeous, multicolored hot springs.
Borgo Valsugana, Italy

Arte Sella

An open-air museum in a mountain valley features works designed to blend in with—and disintegrate back into—their natural surroundings.
Chiusdino, Italy

Abbey of San Galgano

These gutted monastery ruins still stand proudly in the middle of the Italian countryside.
Varese, Italy

Grand Hotel Campo dei Fiori

A once-luxurious, now abandoned hotel in the Italian Alps.
Syracuse, Italy

Ear of Dionysius

Italian cave with exceptional acoustics and an unsavory history.
Lainate, Italy

Ninfeo di Villa Litta

An ancient artistic garden parlor full of hidden water wonders.
Monte di Cuma, Italy

Antro della Sibilla (Cave of the Sibyl)

Virgil's many-mouthed gateway to the underworld.
Orvieto, Italy

Pozzo di San Patrizio

Water and windows define this defensive Italian well.
Sasso di Castalda, Italy

Ponte alla Luna

Crossing this suspension bridge feels like walking through the sky, a fitting tribute to the head of the Apollo program.
Boudry, Switzerland

Saut de Brot

This lovely little bridge hidden in a Switzerland gorge is essentially a fairytale.

Road of 52 Tunnels

This Italian foot path winds through the mountains via 52 individual tunnels.
Volterra, Italy

Ospedale Psichiatrico di Volterra

This real life asylum of horrors is now an abandoned ruin that hides the unbreakable code to one patient's insanity.
Naples, Italy

Bourbon Tunnel

Dug as a secret royal escape route, the tunnel became a wartime bomb shelter and dumping ground for vintage cars.
Naples, Italy

The Anatomical Machines of Cappella Sansevero

These "anatomical machines" are only one of the many strange items in this Italian crypt.
Genga, Italy

Temple of Valadier

This domed temple was built in a hidden cave mouth as a refuge for sinners seeking absolution.
Capannori, Italy

Oak of the Witches

This enchanting 600-year-old tree is so magical it inspired the beloved tale of Pinocchio.
Province of Matera, Italy

The Village of Craco

An Italian hillside ghost town.
Naples, Italy

Naples Underground

A labyrinth of ancient tunnels hidden below the city holds the ruins of 2,500 years of history.
Riola, Italy

Rocchetta Mattei

Sitting on an Italian hilltop is this surreal fortress built by the mad inventor of electrohomeopathy.
Palermo, Italy

Capuchin Monastery Catacombs

Thousands of well-dressed mummies below a monastery.
Saturnia, Italy

Terme di Saturnia

Geothermal waterfalls in Tuscany.
Bomarzo, Italy

The Monsters of Bomarzo

A 16th-century horror show built in a lovely Italian garden.