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Places visited in Waddesdon, England
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Banff, Alberta

Banff Springs Hotel

Few other hotels can rival the grandeur of the Castle in the Rockies.
Bristol, England

'Well Hung Lover'

Banksy's image of a naked man dangling from the window of a sex health clinic.
Toronto, Ontario

CN Tower Stairs

One of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World holds the world's tallest metal staircase.
Toronto, Ontario

Berczy Park Dog Fountain

This whimsical fountain pays tribute to Toronto's four-legged friends.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Gastown Steam Clock

A working steam clock, one of only a few in the world, located in Vancouver's Victorian Gastown.
Montreal, Québec

Notre Dame Basilica

A grand Gothic Revival basilica with stained glass depictions of Montreal's religious history has only one soul resting in its crypt.
North Vancouver, British Columbia

Capilano Suspension Bridge

This expansive bridge in the Canadian wilderness was originally just built for friends.
Cardiff, Wales

Roman Walls of Cardiff Castle

The castle still holds traces of the abandoned Roman fort it was built atop.
Toronto, Ontario

Casa Loma

A 98-room castle in the middle of Toronto that bankrupted a 19th century electricity multimillionaire.
Ironbridge, England

The Iron Bridge

This bridge is the first to be made entirely from iron, but designed like it was still made of wood.
Stanton Lees, England

Nine Ladies Stone Circle

Legend says this little-known stone circle is formed from people petrified as punishment for dancing on the Sabbath.
Ashbourne, England

Dovedale Stepping Stones

These quintessentially English stepping stones were built for Victorian tourists.
Bristol, England

The Llandoger Trow

A historic, reportedly haunted pub that provided inspiration for several famous adventure novels.
Warwickshire, England

Baddesley Clinton

This medieval manor house was equipped with secret compartments for hiding priests.
Whitby, England

Whitby Whale Bone Arch

These 20-foot jaw bones honor a time when the leviathan bones were a sign that whalers survived the hunt.
Bletchley, England

National Museum of Computing

Museum celebrating the history of computers, especially their role in codebreaking.
Sydney, Australia

Mrs. Macquarie’s Chair

A 19th-century perch for spotting sailing ships now boasts one of the most iconic views in the Southern Hemisphere.
Torndirrup, Australia

The Gap and Natural Bridge

Wild seas have created two spectacular formations just a stone's throw away from each other.
Chesterfield, England

Chesterfield's Crooked Spire

The whimsical twist of this spire was either caused by the Devil, an unexpected virgin, or lead.
Gateshead, England

The Angel of the North

Huge winged monument in the United Kingdom.
Kakadu, Australia

Ubirr Rock Art

Kakadu National Park is known for its stunning beauty and its rock art, which represents the longest historical records of any continuous civilization on Earth.
Hobart, Australia

The Matilda

This simple sailing boat is one of the oldest preserved fishing vessels of its kind in the world.
St Kilda, Australia

Luna Park Melbourne

Home to the oldest operating roller coaster in the Southern Hemisphere.
Milton Keynes, England

Bletchley Park

Home to Alan Turing, the cracking of the Enigma code, and Captain Ridley's shooting party.