StressMan45's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Falls Church, Virginia
Places visited in Hallstatt, Austria
Places visited in Kensington, Maryland
Baltimore, Maryland

Edgar Allan Poe's Grave

The trials and tribulations of marking Poe's grave.
Arlington, Virginia

Gravelly Point Park

This lovely picnic spot featuring thunderous jet landings is an aircraft spotter’s dream.
Arlington, Virginia

George Washington Memorial Parkway

This isn't your average roadway—it's actually a National Park and a transportation pioneer.
Alexandria, Virginia

Torpedo Factory Art Center

A former major munitions plant that has been converted into a sprawling art space.
Fort Washington, Maryland

Woodrow Wilson Bridge

This rare triple-jurisdiction drawbridge passes through Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C.
Fort Washington, Maryland

Fort Washington

This fort down the Potomac from Washington, D.C. was once the only defensive fort protecting the capital.
Aptos, California

SS Palo Alto

This concrete ship has had four careers - World War I tanker, floating amusement park, fishing pier, and artificial reef.
Martinez, California

John Muir's Giant Sequoia

A sparse, solitary sequoia still stands as a living tribute to the famous conservationist who planted it—but it's dying.
Berkeley, California

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Where the alchemists dream of transmuting base metal into gold was actually achieved.
Berkeley, California

UC Berkeley's Nobel Laureate Parking Spaces

The Laureates here get something even more coveted than a Nobel Prize: free parking for life.
Oakland, California

Children's Fairyland

This Oakland fairytale kingdom, fiercely devoted to childlike whimsy, was an early inspiration for Disneyland.
San Rafael, California

Marin County Civic Center

Frank Lloyd Wright died a year before construction on his largest public project even began.
San Anselmo, California

Imagination Park

George Lucas donated this park to honor the birthplace of his two biggest movie franchises.
San Francisco, California

Raygun Gothic Rocket Ship

permanently closed
A rococo retro-futurist future-rustic vernacular between yesterday’s tomorrow and the future that never was.
San Francisco, California

Fort Point

Beneath the southern end of the Golden Gate Bridge is the “Gibraltar of the West Coast,” a fort built to protect the San Francisco Bay from naval attack.
San Francisco, California

Swedenborgian Church

The rustic cabin-like decor of this Arts and Crafts-style church reflects the love of nature central to its little-known theology.
San Francisco, California

Dutch Windmill

The key to turning shifting dunes into the green oasis of Golden Gate Park.
San Francisco, California

The Walt Disney Family Museum

Inside this museum, the history of the Walt Disney Family empire is on full display.
San Francisco, California

Treasure Island

A man-made island in scenic San Francisco Bay.
San Francisco, California

Vaillancourt Fountain

This concrete tangle of square pipes has stood as a proud thorn in the city's side since the '70s.
San Francisco, California

San Francisco Botanical Garden

Golden Gate Park's historic collection of plants.
San Francisco, California

Fort Miley Batteries

Big gun installations, built over a massive cemetery, now abandoned & hidden in trees.
San Francisco, California

Land’s End Octagon House

The one-time watch house for incoming ships at the Golden Gate now stands abandoned and hidden in trees.
San Francisco, California


San Francisco's newly reopened hands-on science museum.