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Places visited in Raiano, Italy
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Raiano, Italy

Eremo di San Venanzio (Hermitage of San Venanzio)

This hermitage spanning an Italian river gorge draws pilgrims hoping to heal ailments like arthritis and migraines.
Isola del Liri, Italy

Cascata Grande di Isola del Liri

Italy's only urban waterfall has enchanted artists and travelers for centuries.
Roccascalegna, Italy

Castle of Roccascalegna

This precariously perched fortress was once ruled by a crow-worshipping baron.
Pescocostanzo, Italy

Bosco di Sant'Antonio

A fairy-tale-like forest that was sacred to Jupiter and Saint Anthony.
Cassino, Italy

Montecassino Abbey

This breathtaking monastery was established by Saint Benedict himself 1,500 years ago.
Pietrapertosa, Italy

Volo dell'Angelo

The steel cable lets adventurers zoom between two mountain towns at speeds of up to 75 miles per hour.
Matera, Italy

La Palomba

An abandoned quarry hides an open-air gallery of huge sculptures, some made from the rubble of 9/11.
Matera, Italy

Sassi di Matera

People have been living in the cave houses on this Italian hillside since the Neolithic era.
Matera, Italy

The Crypt of the Original Sin

A cave in southern Italy adorned with thousand-year-old Biblical frescoes existed in obscurity until fairly recently.
Province of Matera, Italy

The Village of Craco

An Italian hillside ghost town.
Santa Caterina, Italy

Cristo Redentore (Christ the Redeemer)

The tallest statue in Italy is also one of the world's tallest statues of Jesus.
Muraglione, Italy

Pertosa Caves

Ride a boat through this magnificent underground world, which now doubles as a theater.
Sasso di Castalda, Italy

Ponte alla Luna

Crossing this suspension bridge feels like walking through the sky, a fitting tribute to the head of the Apollo program.
Roccamorice, Italy

Eremo di San Bartolomeo in Legio (Hermitage of Saint Bartholomew in Legio)

This iconic rock hermitage was once the abode of a future pope.
Pacentro, Italy

Valle Giumentina

In Majella National Park, these stone dwellings harken back to the region's pastoral history.
L'Aquila, Italy

Hotel Campo Imperatore

This Italian ski resort rose to fame when Benito Mussolini was held prisoner there and then rescued by the SS.
Foligno, Italy

Calamita Cosmica

The giant skeleton sculpture is surprisingly well-traveled.
Rasiglia, Italy


This medieval mountain town is also known as the "Village of Streams."
Modena, Italy

Nautilus Antiques and Old Oddities

David Sedaris called it "The greatest shop in the world."
Bologna, Italy

Bologna Centrale Station Clock

Time has been frozen at this station since the bombing in 1980—or so it was believed.
Bologna, Italy

Finestrella di Via Piella

A small window on Via Piella offers a lovely and rare peek at Bologna's lost canals.
Bologna, Italy

Monument to Fallen Partisans

A striking memorial recalls thousands of Bolognese men and women killed fighting fascists in World War II.
Bologna, Italy

Fountain of Neptune

Legend has it this fountain built to symbolize the Pope’s power hides a strange secret concerning Neptune's manliness.
Bologna, Italy

Relics in the Basilica of San Domenico

A diverse collection of wax, bone, papier-maché and mummified relics.