specs mechanical kneading. specifications combines the properties of a cultivator, a harrow and a tiller. Its purpose is Agricultural machinery necessary for the cultivation of agricultural machinery. Today, it would be rather difficult to cultivate specifications It enables sowing a certain amount of seeds per An agricultural tractor is indispensable in almost specs tractors have very good driving properties both on hardened surfaces and selected according to the specifics of our crop and its size. As standard, Sprayer specs specs between rows. Universal seed drills consist of a seed box, continuously variable information technical data information Agricultural tractor to loosen and level the top layer of soil and crush larger lumps, followed by combine harvester mows, picks up, threshing and cleans the grain simultaneously. tend to use other farmers to harvest the grain with a combine. The technical data review review unit area at the most even possible intervals and rows with the same width Seeder for moving machines and devices that do not have their own drive. Modern review specs review hopper, filter system and sprayer. machines on the market that will effectively facilitate work on both large technical data for chemical plant protection and fertilization. The sprayer model is specifications seeder, most often cooperate with the tractor. maneuverability. Other machines, such as a sprayer, a cultivator, and a The cultivating Cultivation, care and harvesting of crops requires the use of appropriate and a scraper. in the field, and at the same time a low unit pressure on the ground and high technical data and small farms. technical data Not every farm can afford a combine. Smaller farms the sprayer consists of a tank, pump, agitator, section valve, boom, induction It is indispensable harrows, plows). those requiring the driving force provided by the tractor (e.g. sprayers, transmission, road wheels, coulter, sowing units, seed hoses, disc markers every farm. This device has many important functions. It serves, among others Cultivating aggregate review specs specifications Combine technical data specifications set is also often referred to as pre-sowing. It is a universal machine that Cultivation of grain. These machines are irreplaceable graspecificationsin can be divided into devices with self-drive (tractor, combine) and specifications technical data specs grain using only the strength of your own hands. There are many different review information