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Places visited in Balladonia, Australia
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Ōshima Island, Japan

Mount Mihara

This active volcano's siren song to suicide jumpers forced authorities to build a fence.
Taketomi, Japan

The Star Sands of Hoshizuna-no-hama

White beach sands made of the remains of tiny, star shaped creatures.
Suita-shi, Japan

Tower of the Sun

Closed for decades, this strange symbol of Japan's Expo '70 has finally opened its psychedelic insides to the public.
Noboribetsu-shi, Japan

Jigokudani (Hell Valley)

A steaming, boiling hellscape sources Hokkaido's thermal baths.
Aogashima, Japan

Aogashima Volcano

We heard you like volcanoes so we put a volcano in your volcano so you can die for sure...
Tokyo, Japan

Hachikō's Grave

People from around the world visit the shrine of Japan’s legendarily loyal dog.
Nagakute, Japan

Satsuki and Mei's House

A real-life replica of a home from Hayao Miyazaki's beloved movie "My Neighbor Totoro."
Otsuchi, Japan

Wind Telephone

A disconnected rotary phone for "calling" lost loved ones offered a unique way of dealing with grief in disaster-stricken Japan.
Hachimantai, Japan

Matsuo Mine

Abandoned Japanese ghost town gives a glimpse into what our own metropolises may leave behind.
Tosashimizu, Japan

Ashizuri Underwater Observation Tower

This retro underwater observation tower would make the perfect lair for a sea-loving villain.
Naoshima, Japan

Bennesse Art Site Naoshima

A Japanese corporation has turned this small island town into living modern art gallery.
Ōmihachiman-shi, Japan

Okishima Island

A Japanese cat island also populated by the descendants of a band of banished samurai.
Sapporo, Japan

Dog's Roasted Sweet Potato Stand

The only thing sweeter than the potatoes is the canine proprietor of this roadside stall.
Beppu, Japan

Chinoike Jigoku

Steaming blood-red hot spring from hell.
Fujinomiya, Japan

Tenshou-Kyousha Shrine Mermaid Mummy

Reportedly 1,400 years old, this may be the first of the Fiji Mermaids.
Tokyo, Japan


Tokyo’s only Ainu restaurant serves Indigenous food from northern Japan.
Tokyo, Japan


This subterranean spot might be the epitome of Japan's baroque, retro coffee houses.
Tsuruoka, Japan

Sokushinbutsu of Dainichibou Temple

The self-mummified monks of Japan.
Kyoto, Japan

Kyoto Botanical Garden

With over 12,000 different species of plants, this botanical garden is Japan's oldest and most diverse.
Iwaizumi, Japan

Ryūsendō Cave

A massive cave complex boasts some of the clearest water (and most charming bats) in the world.
Tokyo, Japan

Ninja Akasaka

A restaurant modeled after feudal Japan, where the waitstaff are trained as ninjas.
Tokyo, Japan

Sōgenji Temple (Kappa-Dera)

Shrine to Japanese water-goblins, complete with their preserved body parts.
Kyoto, Japan

Otagi Nenbutsu-ji

Twelve hundred stone carvings guard this off-the-beaten-path Buddhist temple.
Tokyo, Japan


Every color in the rainbow awaits.