tristanpollock's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Phoenix, Arizona

Governor Hunt's Pyramid Tomb

The unusual burial monument of Arizona's first governor.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

109 East Palace

This innocuous New Mexico storefront was once the secret jump-off spot for Manhattan Project scientists.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

House of Eternal Return

An immersive environment that is part haunted house, part choose-your-own-adventure, and part jungle gym.
San Francisco, California

1908 Cistern Circles

These subterranean storage areas hold emergency water reserves.
Las Vegas, Nevada

High Roller

One of the world's tallest Ferris wheels takes visitors high above Las Vegas in a spinning party room.
Fargo, North Dakota

Fargo Wood Chipper

"...I guess that was your accomplice in the wood chipper?"
West Fargo, North Dakota

Pyrotechnics Guild International Convention

Annual convention held by the largest pyrotechnic community in the world.
Blanchard, North Dakota


This sky-high radio mast is formerly the tallest man-made structure in the world.
San Francisco, California

Cayuga Park

Amazing meticulous gardens of personal wood carvings, Hydrangea, Canna, and many other flowers.
San Francisco, California

Saint John Coltrane African Orthodox Church

Reverend Franzo Wayne King administers spiritual enlightenment through the music of the jazz legend.
San Francisco, California

Forbes Island

Floating man-made island and upscale restaurant.
San Francisco, California

Golden Gate Park Lawn Bowling Club

The oldest lawn bowling club in the United States.
San Francisco, California

Murphy Windmill

Once the largest windmill outside of Holland, with enormous 114 foot sails.
San Francisco, California

Golden Gate Park Vintage Carousel

This turn of the century masterpiece has a mysterious goaty interloper.
San Francisco, California

Golden Gate Park Horseshoe Pitch

The best place in the park to test out your throwing arm.
San Francisco, California

John McLaren Statue

The legendary statue-hating superintendent of Golden Gate Park is honored with... a statue.
San Francisco, California

The Stern of the Brigantine Galilee

Once the fastest ship from San Francisco to Tahiti, the Galilee now lays in pieces in three different cities.
San Francisco, California

United States Marine Hospital Cemetery

This sailor's boneyard was lost under a parking lot for decades before being rediscovered.
San Francisco, California

Portrait of Emperor Norton

A mysterious painting of the self-declared Emperor of the United States watches over a local hof-brau.
San Francisco, California

Stern of the Niantic

The only visible piece of San Francisco's most famous shipwreck.
San Francisco, California

The House of Days

An unassuming grey box sitting on San Francisco's Pier 17 is a "sky diary" of the coastal city's temperamental weather.
San Francisco, California

Site of 1906 Earthquake Refugee Camps

Approximately 250,000 people left homeless by the great earthquake and fires found shelter in Golden Gate Park.
San Francisco, California

Buena Vista Park Tombstones

Gold Rush-era tombstones line the park's paths.
San Francisco, California

Lincoln Park

Shoot for par over the bodies of the dead on this cemetery-cum-golf course.