tsrzad's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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San Francisco, California

Shakespeare Garden

A garden oasis filled with flowers mentioned in the works of William Shakespeare.
San Francisco, California

Golden Gate Park Model Yacht Club

Home to one of the world’s largest collections of model yachts.
San Francisco, California


This Japanese treats shop may have been the first business to mass-produce fortune cookies in the United States.
San Francisco, California

La Boule d'Or Petanque Terrain

A playing field for a popular French past time can be found tucked away in a quiet corner of Golden Gate Park.
San Francisco, California

Pacific Basin Fountain on Treasure Island

Masterful ceramic fountain and map of the Pacific Basin.
San Francisco, California

Lincoln Park

Shoot for par over the bodies of the dead on this cemetery-cum-golf course.
San Francisco, California

Arch of Colonial Trees

Thirteen trees representing the original thirteen colonies were planted with soil from historic Revolutionary battlefields.
San Francisco, California

Chamber of Secrets Door

This residential door allows San Francisco muggles a glimpse at the wizarding world.
San Francisco, California

Ruth Asawa’s San Francisco Fountain

Created in 1972, the famous sculptor's intricately detailed monument to San Francisco is overflowing with city landmarks.
San Francisco, California

Prayer Book Cross

A monumental cross hides in the trees in Golden Gate Park.
San Francisco, California

Treasure Island Naval History Mural

An enormous artwork that colorfully celebrates over 150 years of US military achievements.
San Francisco, California

Banker's Heart

A shining, cold, black organ lies in San Francisco's financial district.
San Francisco, California

Plaque to Bummer & Lazarus

Noble beasts perhaps, but not the Emperor's dogs.
San Francisco, California

Drawn Stone

Art in the form of a winding, man made crack in stone.
San Francisco, California

Hotaling Whiskey Warehouse

The largest whiskey stash on the West Coast survived the 1906 fires--but not without heroic effort.
San Francisco, California

Site of the San Francisco Hippodrome

An art supply shop holds the secrets of this quiet neighborhood's raucous Barbary Coast past.
San Francisco, California

The Dore Vase

A masterpiece in Golden Gate Park by virtue of the artist’s debt.
San Francisco, California

Monarch the Bear

The taxidermied remains of the "last wild grizzly bear in California" and of the symbol of the state of California.
San Francisco, California

Free Gold Watch

This print shop boasts one of the largest pinball arcades in San Francisco.
Las Vegas, Nevada

'Bliss Dance'

An enormous illuminated figure dances on the Las Vegas strip.
San Francisco, California

Fleishhacker Pool Ruins

Forgotten and then destroyed by fire, this was once one of the largest saltwater swimming pools in the world.
San Francisco, California

Stern of the Niantic

The only visible piece of San Francisco's most famous shipwreck.
San Francisco, California

Museum of the Eye

A free, public museum dedicated to the fascinating science of sight.
San Francisco, California

Hunter's Point Shipyard

Radioactivity still cause for concern at this urban explorer's paradise.