verosity's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
North Ogden, Utah

Stump Spring

Water flowed out of the town's unusual tree stump fountain in the 1930s, and the well still runs today.
Brigham City, Utah

Box Elder County Office Clocktower Clock

Designed in 1887, this clock from the county office clock tower has been restored and is on full display.
Salt Lake City, Utah

The Pioneer Memorial Museum

This museum remembers the tough Mormon trek across America through an intriguing array of artifacts.
Salt Lake City, Utah

Solitude Speedway

An enormous image of Utah's salt flats made entirely from tape.
Salt Lake City, Utah

Seagull Monument

Next to Salt Lake City's Assembly Hall stands a tribute to some unlikely heroes of early Mormon settlers.
Salt Lake City, Utah

Salt Lake City Public Library

Visitors to this library are in for a real-world education in modernist architecture.
Salt Lake City, Utah

This Is The Place Monument

A towering tribute to decisiveness stands on the spot where Brigham Young and his followers decided that this must be the place.
Salt Lake City, Utah

Snelgrove Ice Cream Cone

This giant ice cream cone is the last remaining icon of a Salt Lake City staple.
Salt Lake City, Utah


The location along the shores of the Great Salt Lake of what was once called, "The Coney Island of the West", now sits barren due to arson and time.
Herriman, Utah

Kennecott Utah Copper-Bingham Canyon Mine

Largest man-made excavation on earth!
Johnson City, New York

Carousel Capital of the World

The Binghamton area is home to six of the last remaining hand-carved vintage carousels.
Palmyra, New York

Grandin Printing Shop

The press that first printed the Book of Mormon.
Palmyra, New York

Hill Cumorah

Golden plates containing what would become the Book of Mormon were believed to be buried on this New York hillside.
Palmyra, New York

The Sacred Grove

A field in which God and his son Jesus purportedly appeared to a young farm boy named Joseph Smith.