vivacion's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Preston, England

Wallace and Gromit Statue

Everyone's favorite clay duo immortalized in bronze.
Chapel-le-Dale, England

Ribblehead Viaduct

This incredible viaduct was part of the Victorian railway boom and helped the Midland Railway navigate tough terrain.
London, England

Extreme Bike Course in Haggerston Park

Visit on a Sunday morning to see some killer tricks.
Cleethorpes, England

The Signal Box Inn

This tiny business claims to be "the smallest pub on the planet."
Kilpeck, England

Kilpeck Church Carvings

Detailed sandstone carvings show an array of symbolism and adorable animals.
Oxford, England

Port Meadow

Legend says this public grazing area hasn't been plowed for thousands of years.
London, England

Beckton Alp

This toxic spoil heap found a second life as a ski slope, popular film location, and wildlife haven.
Shoreham-by-Sea, England

Brighton City Airport

This tiny 1930s Art Deco airport is a beautiful remnant of a bygone era.
Malton, England

Eden Camp

WWII artifacts, including the building itself.
London, England

Panzer’s Deli & Grocery

Order bagels and lox from an iconic Jewish delicatessen with nearly a century of history behind it.
Cherhill, England

Cherhill White Horse

The geoglyph once sported a glass bottle eye.
Tudeley, England

All Saints' Church of Tudeley

This medieval church is the only one in the world that features all Marc Chagall stained-glass windows.
London, England

Wellington Monument

This once-controversial and slightly confusing statue of Achilles was built out of captured cannons.
Hunstanton, England

Wreck of the Steam Trawler Sheraton

All that remains of the fishing-vessel-turned-warship is its weathered hull.
Castleton, England

Peak Cavern's Rope Factory

Some of England's last cave dwellers lived and worked within this huge cave.
Norwich, England

Norwich Keyboard

This imprint of an old computer keyboard has a unique backstory.
Lynford, England

Grime's Graves

A strange and ancient landscape hides the dark, cavernous remains of a 5,000-year-old flint mine.
Manchester, England

Peterloo Memorial

The city of Manchester quietly unveiled this tribute to a 19th-century massacre.
Folkestone, England

Folkestone White Horse

One English town's celebratory landmark spurred more trouble than anticipated.
London, England

Whitechapel Bell Foundry

This unassuming building produced some of the world's most famous bells.
Lincoln, England

Newport Arch

Modern commuters still pass through this 2,000-year-old Roman archway.
London, England

Evelyn’s Mulberry

Legend has it this gnarled old tree was planted by Tsar Peter the Great during his visit to London.
London, England

Chi-Chi the Giant Panda

The beloved beast's taxidermy remains sit in the Natural History Museum's cafe.
Moreton-in-Marsh, England

Four Shire Stone

The centuries-old obelisk may have inspired J. R. R. Tolkien.