vivacion's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Oxford, England

Saint Margaret's Well

The medieval legend behind this holy well was one of the inspirations behind "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland."
Birmingham, England

Curzon Street Station

This historic abandoned train station looks like a stop for ghost trains.
Bristol, England

Vale Street

England's steepest street has such a drastic incline that locals tie their parked cars to lampposts when it gets icy.
Canterbury, England

The Great Cloister and Chapter House of Canterbury Cathedral

One of England's most famous churches hides a pair of little known architectural treasures.
London, England

Brown Hart Gardens

It is still illegal to "quarrel" at this unlikely urban oasis built on top of an electrical substation.
Cambridge, England

Mathematical Bridge

Local legend says Isaac Newton built this footbridge without any screws, bolts, or nails.
Caynton, England

Caynton Caves

This mysterious underground cave in Shropshire dates back to the 18th or 19th century.
Canterbury, England

Crooked House

This skewed English house has looked like it's going to fall over for centuries.
London, England

The Four Mother Goddesses

One of the figures in this Celtic sculpture continues to puzzle archaeologists.
Worcestershire, England

Harvington Hall

Built by the patron saint of illusionists this Elizabethan manor house is riddled with secret cubbies for hiding priests.
Ely, England

Octagon Tower

A remarkable medieval structure born from a 14th-century disaster.
London, England

Kirkaldy Testing Museum

A collection of machines designed to break things for science.
Devon, England

Burgh Island

Take a sea tractor to the Art Deco hotel on the island that inspired Agatha Christie.
Royston, England

Royston Cave

Man-made cave with enigmatic carvings, some say made by the Knights Templar themselves.
Cerne Abbas, England

The Cerne Abbas Giant

Giant naked man on a hillside.
Oxford, England

Oxford Museum of the History of Science

An extraordinary collection of scientific instruments - and Einstein's chalkboard - inside the world's oldest purpose built museum building.
Gloucestershire, England

Chedworth Roman Villa

Deep in the countryside lie the remains of one of the grandest Roman dwellings in Britain.
Northumberland, England

Northumberlandia: Lady of the North

A million and a half tons of earth were used to create one of the world's largest land sculptures.
London, England

The Ferryman's Seat

The last remaining example of the boatmen's perches that once dotted the south bank of the Thames.
London, England

Whitefriars Crypt

Buried for centuries, this hidden cellar is all that remains of London's medieval Whitefriars Monastery.
Brighton, England

The Royal Pavilion

Regency-era excess on the English Coast.
Whitby, England

Whitby Museum, Library & Archive

The curious and tiny collection contains some very odd objects.
Winchester, England

'Sound II' at Winchester Cathedral

This silent sentry in the crypt below a large Gothic cathedral is often knee-deep in water.
London, England

36 Blythe Road

Where Aleister Crowley attempted to seize the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in a mask and a kilt.