Yorkshire's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places edited in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario
Places edited in Heuvelland, Belgium
Places edited in Ypres, Belgium
Places edited in Niagara Falls, Ontario
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Brussels, Belgium

Everard t'Serclaes Monument

A shining memorial to a Belgian hero is said to bring luck to anyone who touches it.
Bruges, Belgium

The Lucifernum

This former Masonic lodge has been transformed into part museum, part bar, all awesome.
Ghent, Belgium


This fairytale castle was built as a show of power but was nearly torn down thanks to its history of torture.
Basel, Switzerland

Hoosesagg Museum (Pants Pocket Museum)

The smallest museum in Basel, Switzerland, is a two-foot-by-two-foot window in the door of a 600-year-old house.
Lyngvær, Norway


This solitary convex mirror sculpture at an abandoned ferry station at the edge of a fjord reflects the scenery back at the viewer.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Saint Louis Cemetery No. 1

The oldest cemetery in New Orleans, resting peacefully for over 200 years now.
Illkirch-Graffenstaden, France

Memorial to Félicette, the First Cat in Space

The little tuxedo cat survived the trip, then languished in obscurity.
Strasbourg, France

Strasbourg Cathedral's Antique Graffiti

Visitors dating back to the 1600s carved their marks in the stones of the iconic tower.
Beaune, France

Ramparts of Beaune

These ramparts, once lined with towers, were constructed in defense of Beaune.
Bastogne, Belgium

McAuliffe Memorial and Sherman Tank

Dedicated to the American general whose reply to a German demand for surrender was simply "Nuts!"
Romagne-Sous-Montfaucon, France

Romagne 14-18

A unique museum tells the story of the day-to-day life of World War I soldiers.
La Ferté-sur-Chiers, France

Ouvrage La Ferté

This striking fort on the Maginot Line looks just as it did after being destroyed in the Fall of France.
Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Bock Casemates

An expansive complex of subterranean tunnels is all that remains of one of Europe's most formidable medieval fortresses.
Fleury-devant-Douaumont, France

Zone Rouge

A swath of France so devastated by war it is still forbidden to go there.
Marville, France

Marville Ossuary

The remains of 40,000 humans, meticulously stacked in a tiny churchyard shed.
Fleury-devant-Douaumont, France

Douaumont Ossuary

This modern French ossuary contains the jumbled bones of 130,000 WWI soldiers.
Fleury-devant-Douaumont, France

Trench of Bayonets

Site of one of World War I's most horrific scenes.
Savigny-lès-Beaune, France

Château de Savigny-lès-Beaune

This French chateau is home to the world’s largest private collection of fighter jets.
Dansville, New York

Jackson Sanatorium

Home on the Hillside, and home of the first breakfast cereal.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Resistance Museum

A poignant museum dedicated to the history of the Dutch resistance against Nazi occupation
Barcelona, Spain

Columns of the Temple of Augustus

The 2,000-year-old Roman columns are hidden within Barcelona's Gothic Quarter.
Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona's Baby Drop-off

Turntable anonymously received orphans, alms, and groceries.
Berlin, Germany

Weissensee Abandoned Children's Hospital

A state-of-the-art medical facility from the Imperial era is now a derelict ruin.
Berlin, Germany

DDR Watch Tower

This watchtower once presided over the Berlin Wall.