yuliyahol's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Mount Yasur

This South Pacific volcano has been blowing its stack for over 800 years and is said to be home to a cult leader waiting to be reborn.

Underwater Post Office

The fully functional, submerged Vanuatu Post Office is definitely one of a kind.
Roatán, Honduras

Bay Islands Underwater Museum

This collection of historical artifacts and tropical wildlife waits just beneath the surface of the water.
La Ceiba, Honduras

Parque Nacional Pico Bonito

Known as one of the most famous parks in Honduras.
Omoa, Honduras

Fortress of San Fernando de Omoa

This fortress in Honduras was built to resist pirates, but its builders had more to fear from the British.
Yoro, Honduras

Lluvia de Peces (Rain of Fish)

Fish raining from the sky are the cause of a yearly celebration in this small Honduran town.
Copán Ruinas, Honduras

Rosalila Temple

A full-size replica of this well-preserved temple lets you take a walk through the Mayan age.

Swan Islands

Remote Honduran Islands with a colorful history.

The Cave of the Glowing Skulls

These Honduran caves earned their magical nickname thanks to reflective bone deposits.
Copán Ruinas, Honduras

Hieroglyphic Stairway of Copán

This staircase full of Mayan hieroglyphics is perhaps the largest single text in the world.
North, Arkansas

Cosmic Cavern

The warmest cave in the Ozarks features two seemingly bottomless lakes.
Combs, Arkansas

False Crypts of Brashears Cemetery

There are no bodies inside these stone coffins. And there never were.
Jasper, Arkansas

Triple Falls

These waterfalls can be twins or triplets, depending on how much it's rained recently.
Eureka Springs, Arkansas

The Grotto Wood-Fire Grill

This restaurant serves wood-fired fare served in a natural cave with a live spring.
Holly Grove, Arkansas

Louisiana Purchase State Park

A short boardwalk through a swamp leads to the spot from which the Louisiana Purchase was surveyed.
Eureka Springs, Arkansas

The 1886 Crescent Hotel and Spa

This haunted hotel built on natural springs once served as a hospital for a quack doctor promising a cure for cancer.
Paris, Arkansas

Magazine Mountain

A large stone map of Arkansas awaits visitors to its highest point.
Bigelow, Arkansas

Toad Suck

Town not known for anything except its strange name.
West Fork, Arkansas

Wattle Hollow Retreat

A peaceful place in the woods where everything is a work in progress.
Little Rock, Arkansas

White Water Tavern

This Little Rock legend has survived decades of rowdy crowds, three fires, and a zombie wedding.
Damascus, Arkansas

Springfield-Des Arc Bridge

This historic bridge has weathered fires and floods and still stands, now abandoned, where it has stood since 1874.
North Little Rock, Arkansas

The Old Mill

The Old Mill shown in the opening credits of “Gone With the Wind” is actually fairly new, and was never a mill at all.
Marble Falls Township, Arkansas

Dogpatch USA

A hillbilly theme park that proved so unpopular the land wouldn't even sell on eBay after it closed.
Santorini, Greece

Prehistoric Town of Akrotiri

A Bronze age settlement on the Greek island of Santorini might have been the inspiration for Plato's Atlantis.