zenmarujean's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Frederiksberg, Denmark


A 19th-century subterranean reservoir repurposed as a contemporary art cave.
Hobro, Denmark


A walkable map of the world, made from soil and stone by one man.
Prague, Czechia

Batalion Comic Book Museum and Club

This bar and museum are devoted to the controversial comic book work of Kája Saudek.
Prague, Czechia

Museum of Historical Chamber Pots and Toilets

Dedicated to the unsung history of human waste.
Žibřidice, Czechia

Orloj Martina Chaloupky

Abandoned substation turned village treasure.
Most, Czechia

Moved Church of Most

This Gothic church was wheeled in its entirety to a new location a half a mile away.
Vrbice, Czechia

Vrbice Wine Cellars

A mesmerizing landscape of 18th-century cellars carved out of the land.
Lhotka, Czechia

Skalní obydlí Lhotka (Cliff Dwelling in Lhotka)

Every part of this unusual home is built into the sandstone rock.
Cvikov, Czechia

Pekelné Doly (Mines of Hell)

The largest manmade caves in Europe now function as a motorbike club's headquarters.
Olomouc, Czechia

Holy Trinity Column

An ornate plague column – built to celebrate life – claimed the lives of numerous artisans during its construction.
Kutna Hora, Czechia

Saint Barbara's Church

An enormous and lavish Gothic church in Czechia.
Prague, Czechia

The Heydrich Terror Memorial

Bullet holes in the church wall are a reminder of the violence that followed the assassination of a high-ranking Nazi officer.
Prague, Czechia

Prague Meridian

The slender brass strip in Prague's Old Town Square was used to tell time from 1652 to 1918.
Prague, Czechia

Defenestration of Prague Window

The palace window through which Protestant nobles flung two Catholic regents, thus sparking the Thirty Years' War.
Pilsen, Czechia

Pilsen Historical Underground

Underneath the city that invented pilsners are a series of historic tunnels that have been storing beer for centuries.
Prague, Czechia

Squat Milada

A former squatter's paradise outside Prague.
Prague, Czechia

Prague Metronome

Steadily reminding Czechia of its past.
Putim, Czechia

Putim Ossuary

The mystery of the Putim Ossuary involves a tricorn hat.
Prague, Czechia

Vojan Gardens

The oldest garden in Prague, once part of an medieval orchard.
Lidice, Czechia

The Lidice Children

The soulless eyes of 82 bronze children stare on forever in remembrance of a horrifying World War II massacre.
Prague, Czechia

Gulliver Airship

What looks like a crashed Zeppelin is actually a bright, airy reading room perched atop a modern museum.
Prague, Czechia

Quo Vadis

A sculpture of the iconic East German car on four legs is a tribute to those who traveled to Prague seeking asylum.
Liberec, Czechia

Hotel Ještěd

This unusually shaped mountaintop tower looks like a UFO floating over the city.
Blatce, Czechia

Houska Castle

Folklore says this medieval fortress was plopped atop a portal to hell to trap the demons below.